I didn’t find it funny when I went to leave five minutes later, and she looked absolutely terrified.

“I promise I won’t say anything,” she murmured quietly as she walked me to the door. “I’ll be strong.”

I had no doubt. “Without a body, they won’t know he’s gone. Most likely, they’ll come here and ask if you’ve seen him. Just tell them you haven’t.”

She swallowed hard. “I…”

Before I could get out of there, though, there was a knock on the door.

I cursed my closeness to the door, because through the little side window, I could see a man. And that man could certainly see me.

Which meant that he would know that we were together.



I’m pretty sure I had a good time last night. Let me finish reading the police report and I’ll let you know.

-Dory to Bram


“Dammit,” I heard him say. “Answer it.”

I didn’t want to answer it.

In fact, I wanted to run and hide in my room with the covers pulled up over my face.

Instead, I pulled my big girl panties up—because I’d just killed my brother, it was time to be an adult—and opened the door.

“Um.” I stared at the big officer on my porch. “Can I help you?”

He was wearing plain clothes, but he had a big shiny badge clipped to his belt that showed he was very much an officer of the law and not some normal citizen.

He looked at me for so long that I thought I was about to start squirming.

Obviously sensing this, Bram walked up behind me and placed his hand on my hip, pulling me into his chest.

His very warm, very defined, very much taken by Mimi chest.

“What’s going on?” Bram asked, sounding all tired and rough. As if he’d just had sex, not killed a man. “Isn’t it a bit late?”

The officer looked between the two of us, and I could practically feel the judgment.

Because I knew, without a doubt, that this man knew Bram was taken.

Mimi had made such a big spectacle upon his return, as well as it being on the news, that everyone and their brother knew who Bram was.

They also knew who I was.

Because I’d seen this particular man a time or two.

As in, I’d tried to tell him that my brother was a psycho, but he never believed me.

“Ms. Wheeler,” he said to me. “We’re looking for your brother.”

I blinked. “What do you mean, you’re looking for my brother?”