“It’s been an hour, bro,” Shine grumbled as he handed my son off to me.

I curled my arm around Harker’s butt and brought him up to my lips, giving him a sloppy kiss on the neck that made him squeal in delight.

“Awww,” Iris and Banger sang. “How sweet!”

I smiled and moved to the only empty seat, the one beside Gracelynn.

“How’s it going?” I asked her, eyeing her hands.

Gracelynn had gotten new prosthetics, and she hated them.

I thought they were pretty damn cool, as did Harker, who immediately reached for the closest one.

Gracelynn let him explore her hand for a few seconds before saying, “I’m getting used to them. I’m not sure they’re worth the hefty price tag, though.”

“They’re worth it,” Jeremiah contradicted her. “She can pick her fuckin’ nose with it if she wants to, they’re so precise. We’re keeping them, even if I have to sell about ten thousand more cupcakes to do it.”

“Speaking of cupcakes,” Dory said as she came to lean against my shoulder, her arm going around the edge of my chair. “What the hell are these?”

“Oreo fudge,” Jeremiah said. “They were Gracie’s idea. They’re also a bestseller this week.”

“I can imagine,” Dory sighed. “They’re amazing. I’ll bet they go straight to my hips.”

“God, I hope so,” I teased.

Dory hadn’t gained a single pound since the baby.

In fact, if anything, she was even more toned and smaller than she had been before. But only because she’d found a new love of working out.

Something that I loved to do with her, too. But only in the comfort of our own home. Having men ogle her was seriously annoying as fuck.

“Tease.” She bumped me with her hip before saying, “What’s next week’s new flavor?”

Everyone talked with Dory and Gracelynn about The Sweet Spot. Meanwhile, I allowed Harker to play with my phone while I watched Dory.

She’d changed so much since last year.

I’d changed, too.

And every single change had shaped our lives into something so perfect that sometimes I woke up and thought I was still dreaming.

Each day that passed, it felt like it couldn’t get any better.

Yet, it always did.

Leaning back in the chair a little bit farther, I brought Harker to one side, and then pulled Dory down to the other leg.

She wrapped her arm around my neck and kept talking, like this was the most normal thing in the world.

It was. And forever would be.


First of all… eat a dick.

-Bram to Haggard