Page 62 of Suck This

What I got, though, was led into Con’s office and ordered to ‘make myself comfortable.’

Though, I wondered if this Tracy chick had that authority.

She didn’t know me from Adam. How did she know I was telling the truth?

I found myself in Con’s office, and it was just as boring as his actual office that I’d been to a lot over the past few days.

I was in his office for all of five minutes before the door opened and Con walked in.

He shut the door behind him and looked at where I was sitting behind his desk.

“Your chair is more comfortable,” I found myself saying.

He nodded as he gestured for the door. “Let’s go.”

I stood up, still feeling a bit woozy, but doing much better than I’d been earlier.

As we walked outside, Tracy looked at me with furrowed brows.

“She doesn’t like me very much,” I shared conversationally with the man beside me.

“I took your blood,” he answered. “She saw me take it, questioned me, and then I told her that it was none of her business what I did with it. And then she told me that if I didn’t want my fiancée donating blood, that I should tell her so before she wasted time and supplies.”

I blinked.

“You… what?”

He didn’t answer me, instead he gestured toward the door. “Let’s go. I’ll drive you home.”

“Why can’t I drive myself home?” I challenged.

“A, because you’re lightheaded and she took blood when you didn’t have it to give. Your hemoglobin was low, and she knew better than to take it.”

I didn’t have it to give?

“And B, because your car is now totaled because that dumbass human activist smashed into your car and desecrated it.”

I sat there in stunned silence, hoping he was kidding.

But he wasn’t.

Five minutes later as I surveyed the damage to my car, I realized that in no way, shape, or form was he kidding.

Fuck. This was going to be one of those totaled ‘it’s never going to be back to normal ever again’ times.

“Damn, shit. Hell, piss. Sucker cock.”

“I think you mean cock sucker,” my brother drawled.

I turned angry eyes toward Corbin.

“I can’t come into work today,” I shot at him. “And where the hell did you come from?”

His brows rose.

“I was here two minutes after that happened.” He gestured toward my car. “But I was over there questioning a few of the people that saw the accident.” He tilted his head slightly to the side. “You can go to work. You weren’t in the wreck. Your car was. I’ll have one of my boys drive you to where you need to be,” Corbin countered.

“I’m not taking that vamp fucker,” one of the officers replied under his breath.