I let that text hang there. Please tell me that’s not what he thinks will happen.

“Uh-oh, something happen with Prince Charming?” Unessa asks.

“No.” I shove my phone into my purse. “Anything I need to know?”


“Okay, I’ll be in my office for a little bit if you need me.”

I walk through the library, the text at the forefront of my mind. We haven’t discussed what our life might look like long term, but I really hope he doesn’t think he’s going to be my sugar daddy or something.

I sit at my desk, unable to concentrate. Xavier knows how important the library is to me, I know he does. And he always said when he retires, he plans to come back to Sunrise Bay. But I don’t feel comfortable bringing any of this up because it’s dealing with something way far into the future.

A knock on my door startles me.

“Come in,” I say, pretending to be working in case it’s one of the employees.

George Lehmann walks in with his head down.

“George,” I say. “What can I do for you?”

“May I sit?” he asks, nodding toward the chair.


He sits, and a long silence commences. I give him time since he doesn’t seem like the usual George, the one so sure of himself.

“I wanted to apologize. I didn’t make that donation, but I didn’t want to admit that in front of my friends. I’m sorry, Clara, business hasn’t been as good as before. Of course I want Sunrise Bay to have a library extension, but I wasn’t able to help. Maybe after tourist season, when the leasing companies are getting the rentals prepared for summer season.”

The inkling that not all the people I talked to about their donations knew what I was talking about resurfaces. And Xavier’s name lights up in my head in big neon letters.

“George, it’s okay. But someone did make a donation in your name.”

He nods. “About that. There are rumors… rumors of you thanking companies that aren’t making these donations. I think someone else is making them.”

I lean back in my seat. “Who do you think it is?”

“A mystery donor? In our small town?” He looks at me.

Clearly, we have the same person in mind. Only a few people here have the money to afford these donations. Logan, Nikki’s husband; Gavin, Posey’s fiancé; and Xavier. Since Logan and Gavin aren’t originally from Sunrise Bay, nor are they dating the librarian, that leaves one person.

I stand and grab my purse. “Thank you so much, George, and I would never want to put you or anyone in a position where your financial security is at risk. So, don’t think anything of it.”

He stands. “What are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“No one wants to cause problems. Everyone loves you and Xavier together.”

I laugh. “Don’t worry about that, we’ll be fine.”

I walk George out and tell Unessa I’ll be out for a bit. Then I walk back to my house to pick up my car and drive to Xavier’s. He’s not home, so I go to the one place I know he’ll be—Hank’s.


