“Only for you, my love.”

“Is this only for me, too?” She curled her fingers around his cock, which had gone hard again.

“Amongst other things, yes,” he growled, exploding into movement.

So fast!

Her world turned upside-down.

Mari didn’t quite understand what had happened, but suddenly she was lying on her back with Iskar prowling over her, his fangs flashing in the soft light as he grinned. “And you my clever thief, are mine to desire, cherish, possess, and pleasure as I please.” He trailed slow, hot kisses down her belly, arriving at her tender sex.

Oh, my… Is he really going to…?

He went down, and took Mari to fucking heaven.


As he entered the bio-dome, Iskar quietly sympathized with Borak Amantul. He made a mental note to assign the gunner a constructive punishment, as opposed to one of the more traditional punitive measures he would have used in the past.

Iskar walked through vertical racks of edible green plants. Humans were leaf-eaters, but Kordolian metabolism demanded protein and only protein. Luckily for them, the endless desert was home to vast numbers of hopping creatures called kangaroos. Their meat was lean and rich, the way Iskar liked it.

As he passed into a large central dome filled with fragrant flowering plants, he reminded himself to bring Mari here after work. She would enjoy this place, and perhaps he could arrange a little privacy for the both of them.

But right now, he was here on official business. Iskar had been summoned here by none other than General Akkadian himself, and he suspected there would be hell to pay for the havoc he’d wreaked in Darkside.

“There is a certain serenity to be found amongst these green organisms, is there not, Commander?” The General emerged through a stand of long-stemmed plants, moving silently across the polished floor. Clad in the traditional male version of a Kordolian kashkan, he appeared relaxed, but Iskar knew as well as anyone that he could turn deadly in the blink of an eye.

When had he…? Iskar’s battle-sense was pretty good, but the General’s silent appearance had caught him by surprise.

But of course, the General was part of the notorious First Division. The bastards all moved like that. Stealth was one of their trademarks.

“I find myself coming here quite often to strategize. My wife seems to have a talent for creating small sanctuaries amidst the chaos.”

“There is a certain charm to it,” Iskar admitted, tipping his head respectfully as the General came to stand beside him. He clasped his hands behind his back, awaiting his fate.

His actions had been supremely out of character, but Iskar didn’t regret a thing, because he’d found his mate.

He would accept whatever punishment the General deemed appropriate.

“You castrated a human,” Akkadian said mildly, almost appearing… amused. “I assume your action was justifiable.”

A flash of white-hot rage surged through Iskar as he remembered what that human bastard had done to Mari. “That man imprisoned my mate against her will. He tortured her. He put his hands on her. If I hadn’t intervened, he would have…” Iskar clenched his fists in anger. “Put yourself in my shoes, Sir. I had to teach him a lesson.”

“Do you know who he is?”

“No idea.”

“Christopher Stern, younger brother to Lucretius. The Stern clan is a very old and powerful dynasty on Earth.”

“The human equivalent of a Noble House?”

“The human equivalent, yes. A shadow of the real thing.” Akkadian’s lips twisted into a grim smile. “My sources tell me your unique form of justice has incensed the Sterns.”

“He got what was coming to him,” Iskar muttered, unable to feel the slightest shred of remorse. “I almost killed him when he begged for his life, but then I changed my mind. Death would have been the easy way out.”

“I don’t dispute your actions in the slightest, Commander. Fortunately for us, the family are in a bind. Reporting the incident to the authorities would expose the younger Stern’s penchant for keeping sex slaves.”

“Slaves? There are more of them?” Like the General, Iskar despised the notion of slavery.