Page 71 of Candy

I watched them for a long time, and maybe that made me a bit of a creep, but as I observed them breathing almost in unison, I realized what I had in front of me. This was more than a child and a woman; this was a family. This was what a family looked like, right there in front of me. All I needed to do was reach out and embrace it.

I knew that I had every right to pull Harley toward me, and it was already apparent to me that no matter what kind of life I could give him, it would be better than what he had previously.

I was revolted that Nancy had let other men touch him. A mere child unable to defend himself—who didn’t have a voice to say no. How could she do that? Had she been drugged out of her mind? Is that how it had happened? Or had she willingly let adult men touch my son? For what? Drugs? Money? It sure as fuck wasn’t for food.

Fucking hot dogs! He lived on fucking animal byproducts. I was pretty damn sure she wasn’t buying the all-beef type. No wonder he was so small for his age, so thin. I was nervous about what Doctor Young would say about his health once he got a chance to check him out.

I stared at the back of Candy’s head in the darkened room and gently pulled a lock of her hair through my fingers. She was incredible for stepping in and helping me keep my feet on the ground. If she hadn’t been here, I might be totally freaking out. She had though. She had made phone calls, gone to the store, and thought of everything that needed to be done. I would never be able to thank her enough.

I rolled to my back and stared at the ceiling. No matter what I had to do, I was going to make the tavern prosper so I could get a small place of our own. I would not subject my son to living in a one-room apartment again—never.

I frowned as I thought about this morning when we realized that Harley didn’t even know his colors. Wasn’t that something you taught a two-year-old to know? I was pretty sure it was. It made me wonder if he knew his numbers, but I was afraid even to bring it up.

It made me stew, and the anger began to percolate under my skin again. What the fuck had that bitch done to our child? Why hadn’t she reached out to ask for help? I would have sold my soul or my bike to help her. Fuck, I would have stayed in the club to make sure I had extra money to send to her. Jesus, I might have even bitten the bullet and married the woman just to ensure the kid was taken care of.

Okay, maybe I wouldn’t have done the last one, but if push came to shove, I would have.

Later that morning, I helped Candy put the dishes in the sink, and then I paused by the papers she had removed from his bag. On the top was the note from Nancy. I picked it up, and instead of sitting at the table, I went to the back sliding door, unlocked it, and went outside to sit on her deck. This was the first time I had been out here, and I noticed how nice it was. The yard was fenced in and flat. There was a new shed in the back corner and a garden around the deck. A grill was set off to the end, and a small fire pit was in another seating area off the deck where small stones covered the ground.

I could instantly see Harley running around the backyard, maybe throwing a baseball or football. I bypassed the chairs and went to sit on the deck's stairs as I unfolded the note.

I first noticed that it was written on the back of a junk mail advertisement for new windows. Jesus, she couldn’t even find a regular piece of paper to write on.

The second thing I noticed was the childish chicken scratch. It looked like Harley could have done this, but I was pretty sure that Harley didn’t know how to write yet.

Bollard, I’m sure you’re surprised you have a son. Sorry I dropped him on you like this. I named him Harley because of you and put you on his birth certificate. One look at him, and you know he’s yours cuz he looks just like you, only smaller. I found out I had cancer two years after he was born. The cancer was already bad, and docs told me I only had a few years left. I couldn’t afford to get treatment, and I knew you didn’t have the money to help, so I decided to spend what time I had left with my son. I knew you would get him once I was gone, so I didn’t think you would mind. He’s a good kid most of the time, and he likes to eat hot dogs. Hope you two get along. Nancy

I read the note three times and then wadded it into my fist. What a piece of shit she was—hope you two get along. Fuck her! I would take her ass to court and sue her for custody if she wasn't dead. Fucking bitch.

I heard the door open behind me and knew that it was Candy. She sat beside me, and I handed her the balled-up piece of paper.

She unfurled it and read over the words. “Wow,” was her reply when she finished. “She doesn’t make any apologies for anything, does she?”

“Nope,” I grunted. “You know what pissed me off the most?” She shook her head. “The hope you two get along. What a fucking bitch!”

“Yeah, and the comment about liking hot dogs. It’s not like she gave him many choices.”

“No, she didn’t.” I sighed and glanced at my watch. “What am I supposed to do with Harley? I have to go to the tavern, and don’t you have to be at work? It’s already ten.”

She put her arm around me. “I called my bosses and told them I needed a few days off to deal with a family emergency. You go into the tavern and do what you need to do. Harley and I will be fine.”

“Candy, I can’t ask you to take time off to care for my kid. That’s not fair to you.”

“You didn’t ask, Mike. I have weeks of vacation saved up, and you need the help. There are a lot of logistics to deal with right now, and I am available. I will need you to be at the Youngs’ so that you can permit Wes to check Harley out later today.”

“Alright, let me know what time that is. I will find someone to cover for me.” I stood and held my hand out to Candy. After she took it, I pulled her into my arms and tenderly kissed her. “I’m not sure what I would be doing right now without all your help.”

“You would have figured it out, Mike,” she said as she leaned forward to kiss me again.

The sliding door pulled open, and Harley stuck his head out. “You keep kissing.”

The two of us laughed, and I glanced at him and then at Candy. “Okay, fine. Candy, can I ask you a question?”

“Yes.” She cocked her head, looking curious about what I was going to ask.

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

Candy’s body vibrated, but she held the sound in and kept a smile on her face. “Why, of course, I will be your girlfriend, Mike.” She planted a big fat noisy smooch on my lips and then winked at me.