He barked out a laugh. “And what about this little boy who showed up. What’s going on with him?”
I explained about his mother and then sighed heavily. “He has a lot to learn. He doesn’t even know his colors. He was fucking kept in a room smaller than mine up here, and I don’t think he ever left it. The only food he ate was hot dogs. It’s like he’s two years old, not six.”
“Geez, that’s gotta be hard.”
“No, what’s hard is knowing she didn’t protect him, and she let men do things to him.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? That’s sick, man!” He growled, his face turning red. “That’s just fucking wrong. Where is she buried? Let’s go dig her up and kill her again. I have no patience for people who abuse kids. My stepfather molested my little sister, and when I was twelve, I walked in on him with Sandy and kicked him in the balls. Then ran and told my mother, who kicked him again and had him arrested. My sister was in therapy for years after that. I hope he’s young enough that he doesn’t remember most of it.”
“Sadly, I think he does, but I hope over time, the memories fade. I’m sorry about your sister. How is she now?”
“Happily married with two kids, and the ass wipe did ten years in prison.”
“He should have done life,” I replied.
“I agree.” He pushed off the wall where he was leaning. “I hope things work out with your son and with Candy.”
“Yeah, well, we’ll see about that. I have so many things going on right now; I’m not sure which way to look.”
“I know Candy well enough that she’ll help you with anything. That entire family will. I went to school with Coral. You know the sister that owns the coffee café?” I nodded. “I used to go over there and study algebra; her parents were so cool. Even her brothers were nice after threatening to kick my ass if I touched Coral.”
We both laughed. “I might have had that conversation with them about Candy too.”
“Oh, no doubt. Thanks for filling me in on everything. I’m excited about what’s coming. I was just starting to wonder if there was someplace else I should move along to.”
I stood. “Don’t you dare go, David. I need you here, and this place is going to be great. Start thinking about ideas for a new menu too. I think it’s time to change more than just the building.”
“You got it, boss.”
I snickered, liking that. “Not yet, but soon.”
I finished up with the books, in a better mood than I had been, and was in the basement going over the inventory when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to find Candy grinning at me as she reached the bottom.
“Hey, where is Harley?”
“In the kitchen with David. I asked him to watch him for a few minutes while we talked.”
Something in the way she said that made me think she wanted to do more than talk. Perhaps that was because she was wiggling her hips more than usual as she strolled my way.
“Talk, huh?” I set my clipboard down, and the moment she was within reach, I had my hands on her and walked her back against a shelf unit as my mouth ravished hers. The two of us couldn’t help ourselves when we were alone, and within moments, I was deep inside of her.
After we finished and were getting our clothes situated again, I said, “You know that every time I fuck you, it just keeps getting better and better. You keep this up, Candy, and you will ruin me for any other woman out there.”
She turned to me, a sassy look in her eye. “That’s the point, big boy.”
A little while later, we were upstairs, and Harley told me about his adventure at the park and how he got to play with other kids. He’d never done that before, and I glanced at Candy, shaking her head. These things weren’t surprises anymore, just more nails in a coffin for a woman who was already dead.
I would do everything I could to make sure he had a good life and learned what he needed to know to succeed. A thought suddenly struck me so hard that it pulled the air from my lungs, and I stared at my plate. What if something happened to me? Who would look out for him? Who would teach him and protect him?
“Hey, you okay?” Candy asked.
My lungs filled with air in a whoosh as I lifted my face to her. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” But was I? I wasn’t sure. Somehow, I picked up my chicken sandwich and took a bite, chewed, and swallowed it. I’d never had to worry about anyone before. Not really. I watched the backs of my club brothers, but they were all adults who could sink or swim in their bullshit. They didn’t need someone to hold their hand.
Now I was responsible for a life. Nancy knew that when she died, I would take Harley, but what happened if I got hit by a truck tomorrow or shot in the bank parking lot when I went to make a deposit? What happened to him then?
My gaze slipped to Candy. Could I ask her to take on that responsibility? Would she even be willing to do that? Giving me a place to stay with him for a few days or weeks was one thing. Taking care of a child for at least another twelve years of his life was very different.
After we ate, Candy said she would take him back to the house and let him rest. He looked a little tired and was not used to this amount of activity. She reminded me again what time to meet them at the Youngs’ house and left their address on an order ticket next to the draft taps. I wondered what the Young family would think about me being in their home, but hopefully, they would reserve judgment because of my situation with Harley.