Page 73 of Candy

“You’re welcome,” she called over her shoulder as she headed back to the house.

On the way to the tavern, I wondered if there were anything that Candy could do that would destroy the way I felt about her. She was fucking perfect. She was sexy as fuck, and incredible in bed, but she was also intelligent, funny, compassionate, and very calm under pressure. I had never known a woman like her before, and the more I got to know her, the more I wanted to know.

It was a good thing that, for some reason, she liked me because I honestly didn’t want to let her go anytime soon. Memories of what she had said earlier came back to me. I had claimed her. She was the first woman I had ever had sex with without a condom—including Nancy. Obviously, that one must have been bad. Perhaps I had meant to claim Candy that first time I took her. Maybe something inside of me told me that she was meant to be in my life, and I had staked my claim.

Whatever the reason, I was falling for Candy like I had never fallen for another woman. She was everything that I wanted. Strong, smart, sexy, loving, and honest. Now I had a son, and those thoughts of family that I had last night began to solidify in my mind, and for the rest of the drive to work, I fantasized about living in that house with her for good and watching Harley grow up with our love and support.

When I pulled into the tavern, I knew I wanted that, and I would do just about anything to have it.



It was fun watching Harley play at the park. At first, he was nervous, but another little boy who wasn’t shy quickly latched on to him, and they became fast friends.

I knew that the other boy was probably four or about to turn five, but Harley looked to be the same age. I wondered what Wes would say once he checked him out tonight.

We had lunch at the tavern, and Mike and I even found a satisfying moment alone. I took Harley back home and encouraged him to lie with me on the couch. It didn’t take him long to drift off to sleep. I let myself doze for a little while, and then I carefully extracted myself from my position on the sofa and grabbed my laptop to research abused children.

It was apparent that Harley preferred my company to Mike’s, and I knew that had to do with him being a man, not his father. Eventually, he would come to trust Mike, and they would build a bond.

Before we went to see Wes, I sat Harley down so we could talk about what would happen. “Harley, do you remember ever going to see a doctor?” He shook his head. “Okay, that’s what we are going to do tonight. I have a very good friend who is a pediatrician. That’s a doctor for children. He will check you out and make sure you are healthy.”

“Does he have to?”

I nodded. “Yes, doctors are very important people. Anytime I don’t feel good, I see my doctor, and he makes me feel better.” I took his hand. “Harley, I know some men scare you because of things they did to you when you lived with your mother, but I promise you, no one will ever do that to you again.”

He stared at me for a long time. “You promise?”

“I cross my heart, honey. Your dad and I will do everything we can to protect you.”

“They hurt me and made me do things that didn’t feel good.”

“I know, sweetheart, and if I could take that pain away from you, I would. What I can do is tell you that Wes is not going to hurt you. It’s his job to ensure you are healthy or find out what we must do to make you that way.”

“But he’s not going to touch me, right?”

“He is going to touch you, but just a little bit, and if you want me there, I will be there, so you feel safer.”


“I promise you it will be easy-peasy.”

“Cool.” He grinned.

“Alright, we should get going.”

He suddenly looked anxious. “Now?”

“Yep, now, kiddo. Trust me, Harley, after it’s over, you’ll be like there was nothing to be afraid of.”

He frowned but didn’t reply.

When we got there, I was thrilled to learn that Nolan had brought Tyler over at the request of Wes to help Harley through it. I loved that man; he was so thoughtful.

There were a few questions to field from the Youngs about how I got myself roped up in this, and I quickly told them the gist of Laney and me buying into the tavern and how Mike and I had become good friends. I didn’t say anything about dating, though. I was sure that would have changed their opinion of the situation.

Mike was tense when he arrived, but within a couple of minutes, he sat calmly near me, and then I went inside with Harley.