Page 66 of Candy

“Told me not to hurt you.”

She giggled. “I echo that sentiment.”

I squeezed her forearm. “I have no intention of doing that, Candy.”

She looked at me as she stopped at a light. “Does that mean you aren’t going to push me away again?”

“The only pushing I’m going to do is into you,” I said huskily and glanced back to make sure Harley was still asleep.

“Oh, promises, promises.”

The light turned green, and she hurried on. We arrived back at her place a few minutes later, and I carried him into the house. He woke up a little when we started to change him and shied away from me. Candy stepped in and got him dressed and then tucked in. The minute his head hit the pillow, he was out again.

Candy and I were barely out the door when our bodies collided and moved to her room. When I closed the door, I paused to look back and engage the lock. I did not need Harley walking in on us tonight.

Candy had already removed her shirt and was working on her pants as I whipped my shirt off and threw it to the side. I kicked my shoes off and then dropped my pants. In less than a minute, my arms wrapped around her body again. We fell to the mattress as our mouths fused for a few seconds.

“Goddamn, I need to be in you.”

“Please,” she begged.

I pulled back and looked at her. “Not yet. Not until I taste you again. Lie back, sweetheart. I need my dessert.”

She moaned as she moved, and I practically dove between her legs, pushing them further apart so I could get deep into her. I didn’t realize until then how much I missed her taste, and I not only made her come once, but then I waited until she came down, and I added my fingers to make her come again even faster.

After she did, I quickly turned her over and laid my body over hers as I pushed into her and whispered in her ear, “You’re mine, Candy. Mine.”

“Yes,” she whimpered as she shifted her hips back.

As I thrust forward again, I realized what I had said, what I was doing, and it didn’t freak me out for some reason. In my days with the club, it had freaked me out to think of claiming a woman as my ole lady. It didn’t now, or perhaps that was because this was Candy, not some slutty biker whore.

I went back on my knees, pulling free of her and helping her roll over again. Then I leaned forward and filled her deeply again as I wrapped an arm around her back. A moment later, I pulled her up so I was sitting on my heels, and she wrapped her legs around me as she stared into my face.

“You’re mine, Candy.”

She whispered back, “I’m yours, Michael.”

I kissed her tenderly as I rocked my hips into her for a few moments before I laid her back down and stared into her beautiful blue eyes. Could I let myself fall in love with her? Could I trust her enough? Could she trust me enough?

She took my face in her hands as if she knew what I was asking myself and whispered, “Yes,” before kissing me hungrily.

The two of us came together, and afterward, I rolled to the side and brought her with me. A few minutes later, I finally asked, “Why did you say yes?”

“Because I could see the questions in your eyes.”

“But you didn’t know what they were.”

“I trust you enough to believe they were good questions.”

I kissed her brow. “You don’t know me well enough to trust me, but I appreciate that you do.”

She tilted her head back. “I do trust you, Michael. I think way more than you know. I don’t know why, but a feeling deep in my gut tells me I should.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing right now. I have a son, and I’m about to buy the tavern, and then there is you.”

“Don’t worry about me. Focus on the tavern and Harley. I’m just here if you need me.”

I stared at her for a moment, and the words suddenly tumbled from my mind off my lips, “I need you, Candy. You have no idea how much I need you, not just in my bed. I need your help with Harley and this whole tavern business.”