“Damn, she’s a sweet little girl.”
“Yeah, she is. Not sure how things are going to turn out when she wakes up.”
Bruce nodded as if he were contemplating it, then he turned and smiled, “What did you think of Charlotte?”
“Why?” I asked curiously.
“Because she’s beautiful, and very single, just like you.”
“I’m beautiful? Thank you.” We laughed, “Your wife made mention of hooking me up, too, but I’m going to have to pass.”
“Alright, your loss. Charlotte’s a little intense at times, but she is a great woman. Very family-oriented.”
He slapped my shoulder and said goodbye, and I dwelled over his last words. Maybe that was what intrigued me about Charlotte, her passion for protecting her child. I saw an immense love shining in her eyes when she looked at her daughter. It was the look of a woman who knew exactly how precious her child was, and something that I had indeed been looking for.