Page 80 of Bradley

His kiss held a promise that I couldn’t think of now. I would save those thoughts for another day, but as I returned to my daughter’s bedside, I felt calmer than I had since this episode transpired.

As I sat with her, she drifted in and out of sleep, and I realized that I wasn’t alone—not anymore. Kayley had been my friend for a while, but now I had all of the Young family. I would never be able to thank Wes, Henley, or Cara enough for their quick thinking and their training. I was in their debt.

It was over an hour later when Cameron slipped into the room. They were getting ready to move her upstairs to a room, and he hugged me tightly and gave me my purse and phone. He also told me where my car was, not that I planned on going anywhere anytime soon. In his other hand was a small bag with a change of clothes.

“Kayley thought you might get cold sitting here all night.”

“Thank you, and tell Kayley and everyone else thank you.”

“Kayley wants you to call her. She wants to do a video chat with Emmy.”

“How is she?”

Cam chuckled. “She is just fine. Wait till you see what she’s up to.”

I gave him a concerned look. “Do I want to know?”

“Just video chat Kay.” He winked, kissed my cheek, waved to Lauren, and was gone.

I made sure it was okay to do a video chat in the emergency department, and then I called Kayley.

“Hey,” she said on answering. “How is Lauren?”

I shifted the camera so she could see her sitting up and eating pudding. Lauren grinned. “Hi, Aunt Kayley.”

“Hey, sweetie. You gave us quite a scare.”

“Sorry for ruining the picnic.”

“You didn’t ruin it; you just added some unnecessary excitement.”

We all chuckled. “How is Emmy?”

Kayley smirked. “Let me show you. I think that will answer your question.”

“Emmy, your mom is on the phone.”

She lifted her head as the camera shifted to her. Around her was an array of colorful stuffed animals.

“Mom, Riley has one hundred and seventy-two Beanie Babies!” Her eyes were wide. “I counted them four times. Do you want me to count them for you?”

“One hundred and seventy-two? Wow! How about you count them for me later?”

“Okay.” She looked away, then back at the screen. “Where is Lauren?”

“Right here.” I turned the camera to focus on Lauren.

“Hey, Emmy.”

“You went in a helicopter.”

“I did,” she replied.

“Was it fun?”

Lauren laughed slightly. “Yeah, it was fun.” In truth, Lauren didn’t remember it, but Emmy wouldn’t understand that answer.

They talked about the stuffed animals for a moment, and then Emmy said she had to count them again, and Kayley was back on the screen.