Page 78 of Bradley

I raked my hands over my head. “Jesus. Is Nolan alright?”

“Yeah, she’s better now that she’s at her side. Wes said it was touch and go for the flight, but she’s more stable now, and they have her on a breathing treatment for her lungs. She’ll probably be in the hospital for a couple of days.”

“But she’s going to be alright?”

“Wes said the worst is over, but they want to monitor her for a while.”

“Okay, can I see Nolan?”

“I’ll see if I can sneak you back there.” Henley walked away. A few minutes later, Wes came out to the waiting room, and I stood. The minute he was within reach, I embraced him—never so thankful for him being a doctor.

“She’s going to be alright.”

“Thanks to you.”

“Yeah, well, if Henley and Cara hadn’t been there and we hadn’t gotten oxygen on her as fast as we did and into the chopper, we might not have saved her.”

“I don’t know how to thank you.”

“You don’t have to. Let me bring you back so you can see Nolan. You can’t stay back there, but I can let you see her for a few minutes.”

“Thanks.” I followed him into the working area of the emergency department and found them in one of the trauma rooms. Nolan was sitting at Lauren’s side, holding her hand. Lauren had her eyes open, but she looked exhausted.

I touched Nolan’s shoulder as Wes stepped away to give us privacy. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I am now. Did they tell you what happened?”

“Henley did, yes.”

I turned my attention to Lauren. “You know when we invited you to the picnic, we wanted you to have fun, but not helicopter-level amount of fun.”

Lauren smiled slightly, her eyes looking a bit brighter for a moment. I laid my hand on her leg and squeezed. “I’m glad you’re okay, Lauren.”

She nodded but didn’t speak.

Nolan stood. “Honey, I need to speak to Brad for a moment. I’ll be right back.” Lauren nodded again and closed her eyes to rest.

We stepped out of the room and started walking back toward the waiting room. “I don’t know how to thank your brothers for what they did.”

“You don’t have to, Nolan. I am glad they were there.”

She lifted her weary face to me. “Where is Emmy?”

I cupped her cheek as we stopped by the door. “She’s safe, and she’s fine. My mom is watching her, and Riley was going to get her stuffed animals out for Emmy to play with.”

“Oh, that will help keep her calm. I don’t know what to do here.”

“Don’t worry about it. You stay with Lauren; I can take Emmy home with me. I think she will be comfortable with Tonya and Tyler there.”

“I hate to ask you to do that.”

I took the other side of her face in my hands and tilted her chin up. “Don’t say another word. Emmy is safe, and we will make sure she is alright. You worry about Lauren and yourself.”

She slipped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my chest. “Thank you, Brad. I don’t know how I can repay you all for what you have done and are still doing.”

I held her tightly, realizing that I might have been given a gift through this tragedy—a second chance with Nolan.

“We’ll figure something out later. You should get back to Lauren. Is there anything you need?”