Page 72 of Bradley

“You know, when people get together who have children from other marriages, it’s sometimes difficult for everyone to adjust. I think Nolan is concerned it would be too much for all of us.”

“But it wouldn’t, and you’d smile more.”

I laughed slightly. “Yeah, I probably would smile more. You’re going to get a chance to meet them on Monday.”

“I am?”

“Yep, she’s bringing them to the picnic.”

“Cool! Maybe I’ll bring a puzzle that we can do.”

I grinned. “You’re a cool kid, Tonya, but maybe we can find some other picnic kind of things to do.”

“Can we do sparklers like we did last year?”

“We can do sparklers. I think Uncle Hunt already has some ready for you guys.”

“Good. What else can we do?”

“Well, maybe you guys can play a few games. I’m not sure if she can play lawn darts, but maybe she can.”

“Do you think she can play Frisbee? What about bocce ball?”

“Maybe. I’m not sure how Lauren is feeling right now or what her restrictions are, but that’s a possibility. I do know that she can’t run around a lot, or she’s going to get tired. Her heart doesn’t pump the blood properly, so if she gets too active, it can’t keep up.”

“What about the sprinkler? Do you think we could run through the sprinkler?”


“We could play jacks, and I can bring some board games.”

“That’s a good idea. Grandma has a few too.”

“What about her other daughter? Do you know what she likes to do?”

“No, that’s a tough one. We might have to figure that out on Monday, but I’m going to need your help with something.”

“What’s that?”

“Can you keep an eye on your brother and make sure he doesn’t say or do anything stupid to bother Emmy? I know you have a little experience with Beth, so maybe you can just make sure he gets it.”

“Sure. Ms. Nickels said that they haven’t been around horses, so I’m going to show them the horses. Maybe we could saddle them and let them take a ride around the paddock.”

“That might be a great idea as long as they aren’t afraid of the horses.”

“I’ll show them they have nothing to be afraid of.”

I squeezed her to my side. “You’re a good young lady.” I kissed her head again.

“Do you think that you and Ms. Nickels might go out again?”

“Well, between you and me, I am hoping that after she sees that we aren’t concerned about the kids and their medical conditions, that she might give me another chance.”

“It would kind of be cool to have two more sisters.”

“Let’s not get our hopes up that high.”

“I won’t. I was just saying.”