“It was dusty. She’ll get over it.”
“Mom, she will get over it, but do you know how much that stresses her out when her room isn’t how she wants it? Next time, have Lauren help her clean it. That way, Emmy does it how she wants to. She can clean her room, and she likes to clean, so ask her to do it. Don’t go in there and move her things.”
“Nolan, you make more out of this than there is.”
“Mom! If you move her stuff around, then you are stressing her out. You stress her out, it stresses Lauren out, and then it stresses me out, and I’m four hours away and can’t do a damn thing to help.”
My mother frowned and shook her head.
“I appreciate that you are watching them, Mom, but please, just let Emmy clean her room. You know how specific she is. Okay?”
“Fine.” She sighed and handed the phone back to Lauren as she muttered something about not understanding this whole spectrum thing.
I hung my head and closed my eyes for a moment, and Lauren walked away with the phone. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”
“You sure we can’t move down with you sooner?”
“Honey, it’s going to be a while before we get this house suitable for you guys. If you think her stuffed animals being out of whack was stressful, imagine what a torn apart house would do to her?”
“Yeah, I guess. Just hurry up.”
“Sweetheart, you only have a month of school left. After that is over, we’ll get you moved down.”
“I don’t care about school,” she muttered as she flopped back on her bed.
“What happened at school today?”
“You said school sucked, and you were stressed, so what happened?”
She rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t able to do something at school today, and a couple of the kids were making fun of me.”
Goddamn kids and their stupid mouths! Ugh! “I’m sorry, honey. I know that’s rough. I wish I was there to hug you.”
She looked so sad as she stared at me. “I wish you were too.”
“I promise I will get this house done as quickly as I can and have you guys here before you know it.”
“It can’t be soon enough.”
“I love you, Lauren.”
“Love you too, Mom.”
“Okay, I need to go. We are picking out tile for my bathroom.”
“I wish I was there to help.”
“Maybe you can help me pick out tile for your bathroom. Would you like to do that?”
“Like we did with the paint samples?”
“Well, maybe over a video chat.”
She smiled. “Yeah, I want to do that.”
“Alright, then when we get to your bathroom, not today, Milton and I can show you the choices.”