“Which is on the other side of town near my house.”
I glanced at the front door of the café. “Yeah, she totally thinks we slept together.”
Nolan started to laugh. “That doesn’t bother you, does it?”
“Me? No. What about you?”
“Nope, not at all. Let everyone see the new girl in town with the hottie construction worker.” She grinned at me over her to-go cup.
“You’re a trip. You know that?”
“Yep! Now let’s get to my place and eat, and then I have a lot of work for you to do.”
“You do, huh?”
“Yep.” She glanced at her phone. “If we eat quickly, then we can try out my sleeping bag before Pete arrives at eight-thirty.”
My jaw kind of dropped slightly, but instead of replying, I put the truck in reverse and pulled out of the spot as she giggled beside me.
And I just fell a little more.
* * *
We did try out her sleeping bag, and if I weren’t so damn old, I might have enjoyed it better. Both of us were of like minds when we said a mattress was better.
We were getting the walls ready in her room when Pete arrived, and for a little while, he talked over what he was going to tackle today, the first thing being the new panel.
“I guess it’s a good thing that I forgot to plug in my mini-fridge and put stuff inside. I forgot the electricity was going to be off for a while.”
“What I am going to focus on first is the panel, then the kitchen. I’ll slowly branch off to the other parts of the house. I have a buddy coming at ten to help me. He will start in the kitchen while I finish up the panel. There won’t be any power in most of the house for about three days. Some of upstairs will take about a week.”
“It’s a good thing I don’t need you on-site until next Monday. You can hopefully finish this before I need you to start wiring the new house.”
“That’s the plan,” he stated. We spoke for a few more minutes, and then we let him get started.
“Well, you ready to tackle the master?”
“I’m more than ready,” she replied as we headed up the stairs. I followed behind, watching the way her hips swayed back and forth. Images of massaging those cheeks returned to me, and I had to start reciting construction terms to get my mind out of the gutter.
We were three hours into our work when I heard my son’s voice downstairs. “How about we take a break. I think my mom is here with lunch.”
“You know your mom doesn’t need to keep doing that.”
I laughed. “Yeah, you tell her that. She brings lunch to me at my worksites sometimes to make sure I eat properly.”
“She’s a good mom,” she said as she approached me.
“She is.”
Nolan put her arms around my neck and lifted on her toes to kiss me. I forgot that other people were in the house for a few moments, but fast-approaching footsteps alerted us, and we broke apart just before Tyler rushed into the room.
“I didn’t know where you were,” he stated.
“I’m right here. Where is the fire?”
“There isn’t a fire. I was just trying to find you. Grandma brought lunch.”
“I figured she did. We are coming down.”