Page 14 of Bradley

“Sorry to hear that. How old are your kids?”

He blinked at me and seemed confused for a moment before he grinned. “Tonya is twelve, and Tyler is ten.”

I put my hand up. “Tonya Young is your daughter?”

“Um, I might be afraid to answer that.” He snickered.

“I have her in my math class.”

“You’re Ms. Nickels?”


“Tonya thinks you’re great. I didn’t realize you were a teacher.”

“Riley is the one that helped me get the job. She told me that they were looking for a math teacher at the middle school.”

“You know Riley?”

“Honestly, I have met all your siblings and your parents. You were the last one for me to meet. I guess they saved the best for last.”

He frowned. “The best for last?”

“Yeah, it’s obvious that you and I have a lot in common, and I feel like I have known you forever, and we just met.”

“Um…” He seemed uncomfortable, and I fought not to frown. What had I said to upset him?

I touched his arm. “I’m sorry, Brad. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I was merely making a joke about it, but I do feel like the two of us could be good friends.”


“Yes, friends.” I laughed. “I’m sorry if you thought I was hitting on you. The last thing I am looking for is a relationship with anyone.” I sighed. “Although having sex again might be nice, but alas, a girl can dream.”

He shifted, and I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he scanned the inside of my room. “Friends would be nice.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that,” I told him and headed toward my bathroom. I paused and looked back at him, smiling seductively. “Although, if you’re ever interested in having sex, I wouldn’t say no.”

Chapter Six


She did not just say that. I wanted to stuff my finger in my ear and wiggle it around to make sure I heard correctly.

I followed her into the bathroom, her words on a loop in my head. ‘If you’re ever interested in having sex, I wouldn’t say no.’ Holy crap! What would she say if I took her up on that? What would she do if I walked straight over to her and took her precious face in my hands and kissed her? What would she feel like as I lifted her in my arms and she locked her legs around my waist?

I shifted away, trying like hell to remove the image of her earlier state of undress from my mind. I’d seen more of this woman tonight than I had in several women in the last year. Was I just responding to her because I had seen her half dressed, or was it because she was so open—and flirting with me?

I wasn’t sure, and it was making me nervous as hell. Already I’d offered to help her with the swing and fireplace in the backyard. If I didn’t get away from this woman, I’d start volunteering to do a whole lot more, like take her up on that offer of sex.


I could not do that.

Okay, I could, but I wouldn’t. Focus here, Brad. Get your head out of your pants and back into the game.

“One of the guys that I work with, Milton, he’s your plumber’s son.”

“Oh, Mr. Townsend, the man who called me cute as a button.” She giggled, and I found myself entranced by the sound.