“Do you work there?”

She shook her head. “No, I work in Ann Arbor. What about you?”

“I still live in Plymouth; so do these guys.”

She frowned. “You never moved away? I figured you would move away after college.”

“I did, but not far. I was living in Lansing but moved back a few years ago.”

She nodded and reached for her wineglass. “How are your siblings?”

An ache spread through my chest as I spoke. “You remember them?”

She laughed slightly. “How could I forget them? Your sister and I were good friends in elementary school.”

“That’s right, you were.” I nodded slowly, immediately shifting the subject. “What about your family?”

“My mother is doing well and living in an apartment at a nice retirement community. She’s happy there.”

“That’s good.”

I wanted to ask her if she was married or seeing someone, but I wasn’t sure how to broach that subject as things grew quiet between us. John took that moment to jump into the conversation.

“What do you do, Rainey?”

She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. “I’m a geneticist.”

He grinned. “Wow, where?”

I forced myself not to frown. Of course, those two would have something in common. John was a doctor and would know a lot more about genetics than I would.

“A hospital in Ann Arbor.”

“What part of genetics do you study?”

She smiled brightly at him, the first genuine smile that I’d seen, and I wished it had been directed toward me.

“I study the variations of genetics. It’s not very interesting to someone who isn’t in my field.”

He smirked. “Well, I’m an oncologist, and I happen to find genetics fascinating.”

She seemed rather impressed by his answer, and within moments, the two of them were neck-deep in conversation that was so far over my head that I’d never understand it. Give me numbers any day over science. If it hadn’t been for Rainey, I’d have failed algebra, biology, and chemistry class in high school.

Over dinner, Rainey stayed primarily quiet but did join in on the conversation once in a while. We had barely finished dessert when Rainey asked everyone to excuse her as she stood from the table to use the restroom.

I was on my feet a moment later. “I have to head there myself. I’ll walk you out.”

Her eyes had gone wide, but she kept her mouth closed. Unlike John, I didn’t give her my elbow, although I should have. I was afraid that if I did, I’d feel that strange current under the skin again, and I wasn’t sure I wanted that. Not with how interested she seemed to be in John.

She gave me a nervous smile as she stepped toward the restroom, and I kept walking to the men’s room. I didn’t have to use it. It was an excuse to get her alone. I stepped in and then right back out to find her doing the same thing.

Her eyes went wide, and she chuckled as I asked, “Was that a ruse to get away from the table?”

“Maybe,” she replied and then sighed. “Yes, it was. I’m not big on groups of people.”

I laughed. “Yeah, well, normally I’m not either.” I paused and looked around. “Can I interest you in a walk, just the two of us? I could use a few minutes of walking to digest all that rich food.”

“Um, thank you, Zack, but I’m sure you can find better company than me.”