Her entire body tensed from head to toe, and her friend turned to look at me. “Hi.”

“Hey,” I said absently to her, throwing a quick smile her way. I was waiting for Rainbow to turn around, but her head had lowered as if she were staring down at the water, then her shoulders rolled back slightly before she twisted toward me.

“That’s a name I never thought I would hear again,” she replied.

I stared, amazed at how beautiful she had become. The awkward stage was far gone, and she was elegant and beautiful now.

I smiled. “I’m not sure if you remember me.”

She put her hand up. “Oh, I remember you.”

“How are you, Rainbow?”

Her brows popped, and she pursed her lips. “It’s Rainey,notRainbow.”

“Rainey, I’m sorry,” I said with a smile, and the two of us stared at one another for another few moments. Then her friend stuck her hand out.

“Hi, I’m Marsha, Rainey’s best friend. Who are you?”

“I’m Zack Wheeler, Rainb—Rainey and I went to high school together.”

Rainey made a scoffing noise. “Being in the same school with you does not qualify us as going to school together.”

Marsha laughed. “Yes, it does, Rainey.”

Rainey looked away, then back at me. “Well, it was nice seeing you, Zack. I hope you enjoy your vacation.” She turned and put her back to me just as Bobby and the other two showed up.

“Damn, it is Rainbow! Wow, girl, you really grew into yourself.” Bobby whistled, and I saw her cheeks instantly pinken.

She turned to him, gave him a once-over, and then said, “Bobby McDade, I see you are still your immature self, only now you're in an adult body.”

He laughed. “Hey, I resemble that.”

Marsha introduced herself to the guys, smiling a little more at Mark as she did, and Rainey put her back to us, looking tense.

I stepped to her other side as Marsha started a conversation with my friends.

“How are you doing, Rainey?”

“Fine, thank you,” she replied without looking my way.

“Ironic that we are on the same ship together, huh?”

She looked at her drink and then glanced back at Marsha and my friends before she turned to me. “What do you want, Zack?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to say hello.”

She raised a brow. “Well, you did that. Like I said, enjoy your vacation.” She stepped around me and started to walk away, but I took hold of her arm.

“Hey, what’s wrong? I’m sorry if I upset you by calling you Rainbow.”

She stared at my hand, and it was then that I felt this incredible pull to be closer to her burning through my veins. Her blue eyes followed my hand, up to my arm and then to my face.

“That was a time in my life that I’d like to forget. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, please let go of me, Zack.”

I released her immediately, and she turned and started walking away as quickly as she could. As she began to go around a corner, she touched her arm where I had been holding her. Had I hurt her, or had she felt it too?

Bobby laughed as I stood there. “Damn, you scared her away already?”

I frowned because, for some odd reason, the last thing I wanted to do was scare her away.