I let Marsha lead me to the elevator, and we piled in with others heading up to the upper deck where the food court was open and waiting to help us gain our vacation weight.

With us packed into elevator like sardines my tension began to climb, but I kept myself calm by reciting genetic mutations in my mind. If people knew what I did to calm myself, they would probably think I had a genetic mutation myself. Maybe I did.

The elevator door opened, and we all spilled out to the sounds of loud Caribbean music and squeals of laughter. I’d like to think the squeals were coming from children, but it looked like quite a few of the adults had already partaken in an array of alcoholic drinks to lower their inhibitions. Or maybe that was just how they were.

“Look at that pool!” Marsha said excitedly. It was nice, but there were way too many people around it for my taste. “Holy smokes, look at that guy, blue shorts, near the stairs. Oh, please let him be single.”

Just after she said that, a curvy blond snaked her arm around his waist, and he smirked at her, placing a kiss on her mouth that should have been reserved for behind closed doors. I laughed as Marsha made a gagging noise in her throat.

We followed the crowd toward another door, sanitized our hands as we went in, and then walked along the buffet, ogling the food. Wow, there was so much to choose from. Where did you even start? We started by finding a table, and then Marsha went up to the buffet to get her meal while I watched our carry-on bags. She came back with a plate stacked high with food.

“I didn’t know what to get, so I got a little of a lot.” She giggled.

I walked along the line and found what I wanted. Unlike Marsha, who could eat just about anything and never gain an ounce, I had to watch the calories that went into my body. I envied her genetics. Even making good choices, my plate was almost as full as hers.

We chatted about the food as we ate, and I occasionally would look around and check out the other passengers. There were all shapes and sizes, nationalities, and ages here. It was an excellent place to study people if you were into population genetics. The table next to us had a man with brown hair and a woman with red. Two of their three children had red hair too, and the third one was blond. The father must have blond in his family someplace, I thought as we finished up.

We put our plates away and were heading out of the cabana, as they called it on the ship. As we did, we passed the four men that had been boarding as we got on the elevator. I studied the one that I had seen downstairs. Something niggled at the back of my mind, but I couldn’t put my finger on how I might know him.

Marsha was staring at them and turned to look more as they passed us. It wasn’t until the door was almost closed behind us that I thought I heard something that made my heart sink. “Holy crap, was that Rainbow?”