
I watched Zack walk away and wanted to cry, but I didn’t. I knew that good things didn’t last forever—they never did. I was lucky to have had this fantastic week with this man, and I would be thankful for that. My mind was packed with beautiful memories that would have to last me a lifetime.

I was pretty sure that no man would ever measure up the way that Zack did for me. I had fallen in love with him in less than a week. In fact, I felt more for him than I did for Craig, and we’d been together for two years.

The problem was that Zack never once mentioned seeing me after the trip was over. We only lived around an hour away from one another, but he never brought it up. However, he had asked me to send him pictures that I had taken with my phone. Maybe he would ask to see me then. I realized as he disappeared out of sight that I might have to resign myself with my memories.

* * *

Two weeks later, I was in the hospital cafeteria finishing lunch when someone approached my table. “Rainey?” I lifted my head from the tablet I had been reading on and blinked in surprise as Bobby McDade smiled down at me. “I thought that was you. I forgot you worked here.”

“Bobby, how are you?” I glanced past him, secretly wishing that Zack would show up behind him.

“I’m doing alright. I just saw a specialist about my shoulder. Remember when I torqued it jet-skiing?”

“I do, and you crashed rather ungracefully, I might add.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, well, I tore something. This doc is one of the best. He works on a lot of college athletes. It looks like I might have to have surgery.”

“Well, I hope he can fix it.”

Bobby pointed at the chair. “Mind if I sit?”

I shook my head. “Not at all.”

He set the tray down that he had with him. “I thought I’d grab a bite before I get this other test that he wants me to have this afternoon.”

I nodded, not having anything intelligent to say in response. He didn’t seem to mind that I didn’t speak, as he went right on with his conversation. “I’m actually glad I ran into you. I never did get to apologize to you on the boat.”

“Ship. It was a ship, and what would you have to apologize for?”

“For the way that I treated you in high school. I was a dick.” I didn’t want to tell him that he still was, but the thought was there. “So, I’m sorry. You’re a pretty cool chick.”

“You know that is why you are single, right?”


“Because you call grown, intelligent women chicks.”

He smirked at me. “Okay, you are a pretty cool, supersmart woman.”

“Better, and thank you. Not that it matters all these years later but thank you.”

“You know, I’m not surprised that you and Zack got together. I used to tease him that he had a thing for you in high school because he always wanted your help.”

“Oh, he just wanted to use my brain.”

“He did. I’m surprised you two aren’t hanging out now.”

I shrugged.

“I guess after his dad passes, you guys will get together, huh?”

I sat up straight. “What? His dad is ill?”

“His father is dying. It should be any day. He was doing alright before we left, and his father is the one that told him to go on vacation. I think maybe the old man wanted to die while he was gone. Zack didn’t want to leave him, but he had a good nurse who watched over him. Unfortunately, he took a downward turn. I spoke with Zack last night. He doesn’t think his father will last much longer.”

“I hope his sister and brother are helping him,” I stated, and Bobby stared at me, his jaw hanging open.