My stomach gurgled slightly as I waited for the elevator, and I debated grabbing something to eat first. Maybe a little bit of food would help the alcohol absorb in my stomach. Then I thought of what I might eat, and anything I thought of didn’t sound good.

I made my way to the top pool deck and grabbed a towel as I glanced around. I didn’t see her yet, so I grabbed another one and went to find a place to sit. I was about to pick a lounge chair but then hesitated. Rainey didn’t like to be front and center. She preferred to be off to the side or in the back.

I walked to the back row and tossed the towels down before turning the chairs so that they were facing toward the rear of the boat. I smiled to myself as I leaned against the railing and waited for her.

When she showed up, she took my breath away, and luckily she didn’t see me. She collected a towel and passed right by the front lounge chairs, heading to the back. It wasn’t until she reached that row that her gaze found mine, and she stopped in midstep. I waved and pointed at the two chairs I had reserved.

“I didn’t expect you to be here this morning,” she said when she approached at a slower pace. Her sunglasses hid her bright-blue eyes, and I wished she would take them off.

“I told you I wanted to spend more time with you. Is this location alright?”

She was quiet for a moment, and then her voice flowed toward me on the breeze. “It’s perfect.”

No, I was pretty sure that she was the perfect one.

“Why did you turn the chairs around, though?”

I shrugged and looked over my shoulder. “Because I didn’t think staring at the back of other lounge chairs was an adequate picture. I’d much rather stare out over the ocean.”

She looked both ways and then smiled. “I see your point.” She dropped her small beach bag to the lounge chair, put her towel on another one, and turned it to face the back area.

“You need a second chair? Or is the one in the middle the buffer so that I don’t get too close?”

She laughed slightly. “No, Marsha is coming up in a few minutes.”

“Ah, okay.” I began to unbutton my shirt to remove it while she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and whipped it over her head. My breath was sucked from my lungs as I stared at her black bikini top. I quickly looked away before I dropped to my knees and began to beg.

When I had known Rainey as a teenager, she had braces, glasses, acne, and a few extra pounds. Now the woman had smooth skin from her head to her toes, and those extra pounds had shifted into beautiful and voluptuous curves. Holy cow, she was gorgeous.

“What did you do last night?” I asked as we got settled on our chairs, and she brought out sunscreen to put on. I wondered what she would think if I offered to do that for her.

“I went to bed. I told you I was tired. I stayed up late the night before to get a project finished before we left. It caught up to me during that second glass of wine at dinner. What about you? Did you have a nice evening?”

As I stared at her, she glanced away. “Yeah, it was nice.” But probably not as nice as my day was going to be with her.