“She’s actually been working for us already,” Jake said. “When I got back from our medical supply delivery, I shared with her a bunch of photographs and videos that I took. She’s been working on some social media advertising, and if I’m not mistaken, just sold our story to a prominent Washington D.C. paper.”
“I sure did,” Maggie said brightly.
Alice asked Jake, “Maggie is the one that made that video you showed me the other day?”
Alice turned wide bright eyes toward Maggie. “It was fantastic! I hope he paid you extra for that, because you even managed to make Jake look like a decent human being.”
Everyone howled in laughter. “You’re funny, Alice,” Jake muttered toward her, and the two of them stared at one another for a moment. Were they sleeping together? If they weren’t, they should be because the amount of sexual tension that radiated off of them was almost mind-blowing.
“No, he didn’t pay me extra, Alice, but I’ll keep that in mind the next time he wants me to change something out to make him look better.”
“What a narcissist,” Trevor joked.
“Maggie has also been working with Mike on a new website design, and on Monday, we are going to roll it out, so make sure you all take a good look at it. If things go as well as we anticipate, we are hoping to bring the rest of you PTers on full time.”
Drake put his beer in the air. “Hear, hear! I’m ready.”
“We have some other things in the works, too, and on Monday we need to meet as a group and go over some upcoming changes,” Jake continued.
“Hey, did you forget that I’m on vacation this week?” I called out.
Jake turned to me. “And if I’m not mistaken, you aren’t going anywhere or doing anything. You took the time off to burn.”
“Yeah, so. Coming into the office for a meeting kind of defeats the purpose.”
“Well, you could not come and then find out about all of it next week when you return.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “What time on Monday?”
“One, and since it is going to be all of us, let’s meet at the training facility. Actually, let’s make it noon, and Alice can order us lunch, and we can eat while we talk about the new website and show you some of the videos that Maggie has put together.”
“I’m the lunch girl now?” Alice barked, and her dark-brown eyes slit closed as she glared at him. She was almost as headstrong and volatile as our boss, and I knew she hated when he volunteered her for things that were not in her job description.
“I got it, Alice,” Maggie said with a wink to Alice.
Jake shook his head and muttered something under his breath.
Greg announced after that they were putting the food on the grill, and we all milled around talking and snacking on finger foods while the cooking got underway with Greg and Jake.
My cellphone vibrated in my pocket of my shorts, and I pulled it out to see my sister, Holly, was calling. I stepped away from the group of people I was speaking with and answered, “Hey, Holly, what’s up?”
“Harv, I need your help.” She sounded close to panic, and she never sounded like that. My sister was normally calm as a cucumber.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m alright, but I need your help.”
“Anything you need.”
My sister was five years younger than me and one of my best friends. When I’d gone into the military, leaving her had been the hardest thing I had to do. Especially as she had been just starting high school and getting involved with boys.
When I got out of the Marines three years ago after a shoulder injury, Holly and I had clicked right back into hanging out together. Except now instead of movie night and popcorn, we had dinner dates and drinks.
“Really? Anything?” she asked, and I heard the uncertainty in her voice.
“Of course, Holly. Whatever you need. I’m there for you.”