“Will I be able to watch the other two men dance with her?”
“Seriously? I won’t even be able to see how she connects with them?”
She shook her head. “Nope. You won’t see anything until it airs.”
“When is that?”
“In about two months, after this whole decision is made and then it goes through editing.”
“You know, it’s amazing that you film everything for two weeks, and it breaks down to less than sixty minutes of tape.”
“I know. We work hard to pull out the perfect snippets for the show. It takes hours to do.”
“I do not doubt that it does. So what time is my dance?”
She glanced at her watch. “At two. So we need to get you to makeup and wardrobe.”
“Lead the way,” I told her and followed her from the trailer. There was a lot of activity around, and I saw the man from the other day being led to another nearby trailer. He nodded to me after he’d looked me over from head to toe. What did he think of his competition?
Holly brought me to another trailer, larger than the first, and inside I was introduced to a different makeup and hair lady, Gina, and the wardrobe guy, Stu.
It didn’t take me long to get made up, and there wasn’t much she could do with my hair, not with the way I had it cut. I was wearing jeans, sneakers, and a light-purple button-down shirt. I’d never worn purple before in my life, but I liked it as I stared at the reflection in front of me. It brought out my eyes, but then again, that could be the makeup that was bringing out my eyes.
One of the production staff walked me back to the trailer and told me to hang tight for about fifteen minutes. After that, someone would come to get me, and I could stretch out and get ready. The minute the door closed, my stomach rolled. Holy crap, I’d never been this nervous in my life. Not even going into military operations. I’d gone into some pretty scary places, but this seemed ten times worse.
It didn’t make sense. It totally did not make sense. I should be laughing this off, making fun of myself, but I couldn’t. All I could do was wonder who she was, what she would look like, and if there would be any chemistry between us.
I know that Holly said there was no chance in hell, but crazier things had happened in life. I think the wildest part of the whole thing was that I wanted crazy to happen. Maybe I’d lost my mind.
To take my mind off the questions, I stood and began to walk through certain parts of the dance in the small space that I had. My cellphone beeped, and I checked it to see Alice sending me a message saying they were there and so excited. She wished me well and told me not to break my leg.
I told her thank you for coming and then turned off my phone. I didn’t want any more distractions.
A few minutes later, a young guy came to get me. He brought me in front of a camera crew, and Tarin joined me. “Are you nervous, Harvey?”
“I’d be lying if I said no.”
“How do you feel?”
To be honest, my fingers were tingling, and my stomach was a mess, but I wasn’t going to say that. “I’m excited and ready to meet her—and okay, more nervous than I have ever been.”
“Are you still hoping for a connection with her when you do?”
“Yes, even more so now than before.”
Tarin cocked her head. “Why is that?”
I shrugged slightly and laughed. “I don’t know. I guess when I started this, I wasn’t one hundred percent invested in it or the idea, but now I am. Now I’m really excited to dance with her, and while we aren’t going to be talking, I hope that our bodies say all they need to.”
“Cut!” the director said, and Tarin leaned toward me. “I have a feeling your bodies are going to be doing a lot of talking.”
“Let’s hope so.”
Holly approached me. “Alright, it’s almost time. Go with Cal; he’s going to get you over there, and Ryan is going to let you know when you can take your place. As soon as you are both in place, we will start the music, and the stage will be yours.”
I noticed a camera over her shoulder on me, and I nodded and tried to smile. The butterfly in my stomach had turned into a full-sized bird. Now it was banging around in my stomach so hard I was expecting it to burst out at any moment.