“After this, are you going to do more dancing?”
I gave her a lopsided grin. “You know, I just might. A friend of mine told me that a way to a girl’s heart is to dance with her. So if she picks me, I’ll probably be dancing more for sure.”
Tarin clapped her hands and giggled. “I love it! Are you worried at all that you might drop her?”
“Honestly, no—okay, maybe a little bit,” I replied with a slight chuckle. “I don’t think I’ll have a problem, but you never know. The last thing I want to do is drop her or miss a step. I just hope that we can flow right through the dance and have a good time.”
“And make a connection, right?”
“Well, yeah, of course. That’s a given,” I replied, and strangely enough, I think I meant it. Somewhere in the last two days, while I’d been making up reasons for being here, I’d started to believe my explanations.
I did want to find a woman to share my life. Was it possible to find one while dancing? Probably—I mean, how many times had I seen a woman from across the room and thought—her? There is something abouther, and then I’d start talking to the woman, and I’d be like yeah—her.
That’s how it was with both my wives. I hadn’t been introduced to them. I’d seen them from across the room. We’d looked at one another; we’d smiled; we’d shared a few flirty glances, and then we’d approached one another, and it went from there. What was so different about dancing?
You were seeing that person for the first time, and you were flirting, and being playful or serious, depending on the dance. Once that was over, she would decide if she wanted to see you again. The only difference was, you didn’t get to plead your case or give her a verbal reason to see you again. You had to convince her with your body and your eyes as you moved with hers.
The fact that I was competing with two other men hadn’t escaped my mind, and I was all about a little friendly competition.
“What do you want in a woman?” Tarin asked.
That caused me to pause as I thought of an answer. “I want an independent woman, but also one that wants to be part of a couple. I travel quite a bit and work long hours. I need a woman who can accept that schedule and doesn’t feel like I’m letting her down.”
“Have you had trouble with that in the past?”
I barked out a laugh and glanced toward Holly, who had her hand over her mouth like she couldn’t believe that Tarin had just asked me that. “You could say that. A few didn’t want to wait around for me to come back. Although back then, I was traveling a lot more than I am now.”
“Anything else you’d like to see in a woman?”
“I’d like a woman who doesn’t mind me being in the kitchen, because I enjoy cooking, and I want a woman who enjoys food and isn’t afraid to laugh or cry around me when she is feeling emotional.”
“Wait? Thought all men hated to see a woman cry?”
“Oh, no, I do hate it, but if my woman is going to cry, I want to know why and help her through it.”
“I think I just fell a little in love with you,” Tarin said sweetly, batting her lashes at me as she put her hand on my arm. “Do you consider yourself a protective man, Harvey?”
“Above and beyond what is normal,” I stated, being completely honest. “I’d give my life in a heartbeat to someone I cared for. Hell, I’d do it for a stranger.”
“Cut! That’s going to be a wrap for today with Harvey,” someone called.
Holly came to my side. “I’m so sorry about that.”
“It’s okay, Holly.”
Tarin stepped closer. “Did I say something wrong?”
I shook my head. “No, Holly was worried you’d upset me because my first wife left me while I was on deployment because she didn’t like military life, and the second one was in bed with her boss when I came home on leave a couple of days early.”
Tarin’s jaw dropped. “I’m so sorry, Harvey.”
“It’s alright, really. It doesn’t bother me to talk about it anymore.”
“Didn’t your last girlfriend have a problem with your travel too?” Holly asked.
“Yeah, she did, but at least we parted amicably.”
Tarin put her hand on my shoulder. “Well, maybe you and your date will hit it off, and she will be more independent and not have issues with your traveling.”