I shoved his arm. “Bullshit! Dude, this is why I’m not going to allow my sister to get around you. She is totally out of your league.”
Drake smiled. “I have to agree with you, Melton, your sister is way above his level.”
“Oh, and you think she is closer to yours?” Joe joked back.
“I didn’t say that, but yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m closer to her normal standards than you are.”
I held my hand up. “You all can stop right now. There is no way that Holly would date any of you meatheads. She’s into artsy guys.”
“Hey, I enjoy the arts,” Brett said.
“Body paints are not the arts,” Drake said with a laugh.
“I beg to differ,” Joe tacked on, and our conversation veered off of my sister, thankfully, and onto other subjects.
I didn’t think about my sister’s request to meet her again until Sunday night when she texted me an address and reminded me to wear something comfortable.
Are you going to tell me what I’m going to be doing?
You’re going to be helping me, and someone else out, and you’re going to have fun while you do it.
Someone else? An uneasy feeling slipped down my spine, and I had a feeling that I was not going to have fun with whatever my sister was roping me into.
Chapter Two
“Idon’t think I can do this,” I said to my best friend Charlie. “Why did I let you talk me into this?”
Charlie gave me her best what-the-hell look that she could muster. “I didn’t talk you into this! You suggested it, Ali! I told you when you first came to me with the idea that I didn’t think it was a good one.”
I frowned at her as I jerked back. “But why isn’t it a good idea?”
Charlie laughed, not just a funny tee-hee, but a full-on throw-the-head-back-and-cackle kind of laugh. “Because you are talking about a blind date, Ali. You—who doesn’t even date—is going to go on, not one or two, but three blind dates, and you aren’t even going to talk to them. You’re going to dance with them—dance. It makes no sense, Ali, even for you.”
“But don’t you see, this will be the best! I don’t have to come up with small talk; I just dance with them, and then if I enjoy it, and I like them, then I can dance again.”
“How do you know if you will like them? You think fancy footwork is going to help you decide that a guy is worth getting to know?”
“No, it’s about chemistry. It’s about locking eyes and seeing if you can trust someone without them even opening their mouth. It’s about having fun and being different. Geez, Charlie, you’ve been on those dating apps for months. What has it gotten you?”
She shrugged as she sipped from her iced tea glass. “I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m saying that it’s weird, and it’s absurdly weird for you.”
“Weird? I love to dance, and I’m thirty-four years old. It’s been four years since I was in a serious relationship, and I can feel my eggs drying up as we sit here.”
Charlie winced. “That’s gross to think about.”
“It’s the truth. I’m not getting any younger, and I want a man in my life. I want a family, and I want to plan a future.”
“How about some fries with that?” she added drolly.
“Come on, Charlie, I’m serious here.”
“Serious about what?”
“Finding love. I want to find love!”
“And you honestly think that you will find love by dancing with strangers? You don’t even like to take an Uber because the driver is a stranger.”