As I stepped away, I grinned. Maybe it was time to listen to my sister, after all.
Chapter Twelve
It was fun to be out with friends. Even though I didn’t know Alice or Maggie, I felt like I did. There was a ton of laughter and a few jokes that went over my head about a guy named Jake. All of those seemed to be targeted toward Alice.
“Is Jake your boyfriend?” I asked after the third one volleyed over the table.
Alice looked horrified. “No! He’s my boss.”
Maggie snickered. “Yeah, but she wants to sleep with him.”
“I do not!” Alice said indignantly.
“Oh, please!” Holly cried. “I’m barely around you two, and I know you want to sleep with him.”
Alice turned wide eyes toward her. “How can you say that? He is the crudest, most ignorant, narcissistic man that I have ever met.”
“And sexy as hell,” Maggie tacked on. “Although not as sexy as Greg or Har—” Maggie's eyes darted to mine and then jumped away. “I’m just saying all the men are sexy; even if Jake is an ass, he’d probably be amazing in bed.”
Was it me, or did Alice and Holly also tense when Maggie started to mention this other man? Was it Harry? Harmon? Hardy? I didn’t get much of a chance to think it over as they began discussing Jake in detail.
“Do you two work together?” I asked Alice and Maggie.
“Yep, we do. I just started there as the media liaison,” Maggie stated proudly. “That’s why I left the paper.”
“What kind of company is it?” I asked.
“Tactical security company,” Alice answered and glanced at Holly, who seemed tense. “And no fun to talk about, trust me. So tell us, what did you really think of those guys tonight?”
Maggie jumped right on that. “Did you feel sparks with all of them?”
Holly seemed to relax and even smiled as she turned to study me. Whatever was making her tense had instantly vanished.
“Well, I guess I felt something with all of them, although the second one I danced with was more of a friendship feeling.” I glanced around the group and let my gaze land on Holly. “Am I allowed to talk about this with them?”
Holly put her hand over my wrist. “Do you know who you are going to pick?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”
Holly nodded. “You can talk about it with us, but not with anyone else. I trust these two not to say anything.” She gave them very pointed looks. “We would never want to sway your decision.”
“Okay, well, the first guy was very handsome and sexy in a tough and stormy kind of way, and yeah, I felt sparks with him, but I was so nervous that I don’t know if they were romantic sparks or fear tremors.” I laughed nervously as Maggie and Alice glanced at each other. They knew guy number one; were they rooting for him? Of course, they were! “I wasn’t as nervous the second and third time, so I’m still wondering if what I felt for the first one was real or not.”
“What did you think of the second guy?” Maggie asked.
“He was cute too, but I got more of a friend vibe from him. Does that make sense?”
Alice nodded. “Of course, it makes sense.”
“I thought for a moment that he was going to drop me during the lift, but then he righted himself, and the rest of the dance went smoothly.”
“What about the third dancer?” Holly queried.
“Oh, he was very handsome, and I definitely felt a spark with him. He made me feel safe, too. Maybe it was because he was so big, but he did. However, the first guy made me feel safe also.”
Alice asked with a raised brow, “How did he make you feel safe?”