Page 31 of Unexpected Storms

“It’s crazy, but I do. When Holly first talked me into this, it was the furthest thing from my mind, but then I started enjoying myself and thought this could be something pretty cool to tell my kids one day.”

He laughed. “Jesus, you’ve danced with her once, and you’re having kids? You’ve lost your fucking mind.”

I snickered and sipped from my bottle. “What about you and Maggie? You think you guys are going to get married, have a kid or two?”

“No kids. I’m pretty sure eventually we’ll tie the knot, but no kids for us.”

“You don’t want any?”

“No, I don’t, and,” he paused, tapped his thumb on the bar for a moment as if he were making a decision, and turned to me, “and Maggie can’t have kids. Don’t tell anyone about that, though.”

“Oh, man, I’m sorry to hear that. Did she want kids? You guys could always adopt.”

“She’s not interested in kids. She’d prefer to travel and work. She’s not a very maternal person, except when she’s taking care of her mom.”

“How is her mom doing?”

“Eh, she has her days. She recognized us when we first came back, but once in a while, she won’t know us. I gotta tell you, Maggie does better with it than I do.”

“She’s had more time to get used to it.”

“Do you ever get used to the fact that your parent doesn’t recognize you?”

“Okay, so maybe not. That sucks.”

“Yeah, it does, but Maggie rolls with it. Sometimes she gets a little sad, but she deals with it pretty well.”

“She’s a pretty awesome woman. I look forward to getting to know her better.”

“Yeah, well, if things work out for you with this dancing girl, maybe we can have you all over for dinner.”

“Let’s see what tomorrow brings.”

After that, Greg and I turned the conversation over to work and moved to a table to eat. I didn’t think about the illustrious dancer again until I was crawling in bed.

As I closed my eyes, her bright-green eyes carried me toward my dreams, and the memory of the feel of her body made me wish she were here with me. Maybe I was turning into a sap in my old age.

* * *

The next morning,I dressed and headed down to the dance studio at my appointed time. It was time to find out if I had made the next round.

As soon as I entered, I was whisked away to one of the rooms to do makeup, and then they started recording right from the front door as if I had just come in.

Tarin hugged me on camera. “Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?”

“I did.”

“What was your favorite part?”

“Looking into her eyes and seeing her smile up at me.”

“Did you feel like you connected with her?”

“Surprisingly, I did. I didn’t expect that, but the minute I looked down at her, I felt a spark.”

“Well, are you ready to find out if she felt the same way?”

“I am.”