Page 86 of Unexpected Trouble

She chuckled. “Do we have to?”

I rubbed my knuckles over her cheek. “Sometimes. You know I’m not one to admit fear, but there is part of me that is afraid that I might disappoint you, Maggie. I’m not the young boy that I once was. I’m a grown man with extreme views, and I’m set in my ways.”

She took my face in her hands. “Greg, you could never disappoint me. You are amazing. You went from a confident and sexy young man to a very confident, powerful, sexy man. And we’ve always had different viewpoints on things. That is what made our relationship so great. We could disagree and still find common ground. I’m not interested in a ring, or even a promise of forever.”

“What are you asking me for, Maggie?”

“I’m asking for a chance to get to know you and for you to get to know me. You think you might not be much, but I’m an out-of-work reporter that just can’t seem to get herself on track for reporting real news.”

“Why are you out of work?”

“Oh”—she stepped back, laughing as she took my hand and turned us toward the cabin—“I got a little pissed at my boss, and he threatened to fire me, so I quit instead.”

“Maggie,” I started to say something, but she stopped and put her fingers over my lips.

“Please don’t ruin the peace we have between us right now and tell me I’m trouble. I know that I’m trouble. I’ve always been trouble, and I always will be trouble. Just leave it alone.”

I took her face in my hands, and the words I love you brushed over my mind, but I managed to keep them in. It was like time stood still when it came to how I felt about her. Suddenly, all the emotions I’d had for her years ago filled my very soul, and I knew that I didn’t want to let her go. “Sweetheart, I want us to get to know one another. I can’t promise you anything more, but I want to try.”

“I’ll take that.” She hesitated. “What about your job?”

“What about it?”

“Would you have a problem if I worked there and traveled with you?”

I frowned. “Maggie, is that something that you really want to do?”

“Yes, I have always wanted to report on important issues, and I think it would be a perfect way for us to build a relationship.”

I chuckled. “I’m not sure about that. It’s dangerous and stressful and sometimes boring as hell.”

She grinned cheekily up at me. “But if I’m along for the ride, it wouldn’t be quite so boring. I mean, I could always see what trouble I could get into.”

I kissed her. “Yeah, I bet you could. I think that we would have to discuss it a little more. I get why you want to do that, and I know Jake thinks it will be great and he might be right, but I’m going to need a little time to get used to the idea.”

“But you aren’t saying no?”

“No, I’m not saying no. I’m saying we will discuss it once this mess has been cleared up.”

I curled her against my chest and held her for a long moment. “Thank you, Greg.”

“You’re welcome, and don’t think this conversation is over. We still have things to discuss, but right now. Let’s eat. Your mother should be dressed now.”

When we got back to the cabin, Liz was standing in the middle of the room, looking around.

“Mom, what are you looking for?”

She turned to us, her eyes bouncing back and forth between us as if she was unsure of something. Maggie sighed softly beside me as she dropped my hand and stepped forward.

“I’m waiting for the bus, but I don’t see it. Did the bus come already?”

“Liz, there is no bus today. Let’s eat breakfast.”

“I already ate breakfast; I want to get on the bus. I don’t know this place.”

“No, you didn’t eat yet, Liz,” I said to her. “You took a shower while I made breakfast. I’m Greg, a friend of Maggie’s. How about we all sit down and eat the pancakes I made?”

“I don’t like pancakes; I like eggs.”