Page 67 of Unexpected Trouble

“Because I forgot I needed to get a blood test done today.”

“You’d rather get your vein pricked than spend a few hours behind the trigger? Are you ill?”

I chuckled; he knew me well. “No, routine shit for my physical that needs to be done ASAP.”

“Why can’t you hit the lab and then go to the range?”

“Because I’m asking you to do it.”

“Are you avoiding Maggie?”

I hesitated just a fraction of a second too long. “No.”

“Bullshit.” He sighed. “Look, I’ll help Trevor out because I’d like to see Maggie in action, but you need to get your head out of your ass. She’s going with us, and you’re going to need to deal with that.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“Maybe, my ass. Jake already said that she’s going. If she can hit employee time with forty extra pounds on her, she’s fit enough to go. Especially if she does a good job today. He’s totally into this idea of a reporter joining our team.”

I didn’t want to debate it with him. “You’re going to help Trevor?”

“Yes, I’ll help him.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll catch you later.” I hung up before he could say anything else. Yeah, I knew it was suspicious, and I knew I wasn’t fooling him, but I didn’t care.

I showered, made myself breakfast, and then headed to the lab. I wasn’t joking about needing a blood test; I did require one. I just hadn’t needed to get it today. It was a good excuse, though.

After the lab, I went into the office. Alice was in an extra foul mood when I stepped in. “Where the hell have you been?”

I stopped on a dime at her tone. “Getting a blood test. Is there a problem?”

“No, Jake found out that Alex isn’t here today and wanted to know where he was. No one seems to want to answer their damn phone today! Is there something wrong with your phone?”

I pulled it out of my pocket and saw the three missed calls. “Sorry, it was on silent and not vibrate.”

She grumbled under her breath for a moment. “Go see Jake. I’m tired of dealing with his crap today, and it’s not even ten.”

I started to step away, but paused and shuffled closer to her desk. “You okay, Alice?”

“I’m peachy, Gregory. Go talk to your asshole boss.”

“Blaire!” My name echoed down the hallway, and I grunted and went to see what his major malfunction was.

“Your highness,” I muttered as I stepped into his office.

“Jesus, where the hell have you been?”

“Screamer, is there an emergency that you need me for? Did someone die? Is the world going to hell? Did a client back out of a contract?”

“No, what the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about how you are losing your fucking mind because I’m not here, and you’ve got Alice so pissed off she almost took my head off when I stepped inside the door.”

“That’s not my fault.”

“Did you lose your shit on Alice? Because I would bet you a hundred bucks that you lost your shit on her, and that’s why she’s ready to murder the first person who crosses her.”

“I might have demanded her to find you or Alex.”