Page 16 of Unexpected Trouble

Greg leaned toward me. “Are you going to get in?”

I turned my face toward him; our noses almost brushed, and we locked gazes. Did Greg have children? Did he have a wife? Had he ever been married? Did he ever think about me over the years? A hundred other questions zipped through my mind in an instant, and I just kept staring at him.

If Greg and I were back in the same town, could we try again? Was it too late? Had our relationship hit its high point when we were only sixteen and eighteen? What would he be like in bed now?

“Mags?” His voice was husky. “You alright?”

Trevor started the truck, and the sound yanked me out of my head. I jerked back from Greg. “Yeah, fine. I was thinking about something.”

“Were you still wondering how to prove to me that you weren’t a prude?”

“Ha! You wish!” I said as I brushed past him and climbed into the truck. I peered at the car seat again as Trevor pulled out.

“I have a son, Devon. He’s four months now.”

“Are you married?”

“Not yet, engaged.” Trevor grinned right before he turned around.

“Aren’t you doing things a bit out of order?” I joked. He grinned at me in the rearview mirror.

“Davina is not his birth mom. Carol was, but she died during childbirth, and no Carol and I were not really a couple. I didn’t even know she was pregnant until after Devon was born. Then Davina, who was Carol’s best friend, dropped Devon in my lap.”

Greg laughed. “I’m sorry; the whole thing was funny. You taking care of a baby by yourself was hysterical.”

“That was not funny. Thank god for Alex and Lexi.” He glared at Greg for a whole half a second before he laughed and looked in the mirror at me again. “Anyway, Davina and I hit it off and got engaged, and once we get married, she’s doing to adopt Devon as her legal son.”

“Aw, that’s sweet. I’m sorry about his mom; even if you weren’t in a relationship with her, that had to be hard.”

“It was, but I’m lucky to have both Davina and Devon in my life. It’s why I stopped traveling overseas.”

I studied the back of Greg’s head. “Do you travel overseas?”

He peered over his shoulder. “Yes.”

“But you don’t go to dangerous places anymore, do you? I mean, you’re not in the military anymore, so you are safe, right?”

Greg shifted to see me better. “No, I go to dangerous places, too. We train civilians to go into hostile areas, give them critical thinking skills and a little tactical and medical training, and then we help them get from place A to place B for their job.”

So, he wasn’t in the military anymore, but he was still doing military type stuff. I wasn’t sure what I thought about that. The truth of the matter was, I didn’t have the right to have any opinion on it as it was his life and not mine. It wasn’t like we were a couple. We’d only run into each other again a few hours ago after nineteen years.

Not to say that I wouldn’t mind getting to know him better. Although, when he had walked away from me all those years ago, he had said it was because his career was too important to him. Had that changed? Or was his career still as critical to him as it was before? Why the hell was I even wondering this?

“Are you married?” I blurted the question before I could even try to stop myself.

Trevor laughed loudly, and Greg grinned. “No, you?”

“No. Have you ever been married?” I rephrased the question.

“No, you?”

I squirmed for a moment and looked out the passenger side window briefly. “Yes, for a couple of years.”

“Do you have kids?” he queried.

“No, you?”

“Nope, none that I know about.”