Page 11 of Unexpected Trouble

My hands were clammy as I wondered if this was going to be as easy as it seemed. Would they give themselves up and just let us go?

“This is Sergeant Wilkins again; your time is up; let the hostages go.”

Chuck glanced around the room and swallowed. “Okay, get up and go toward the front door slowly.”

Holy crap, were they just going to let us walk out of here? A few people got to their feet quickly, and I got to my knees, intent on helping the pregnant woman up, but one of the employees rushed to her side and helped her off the floor. She kept her arm around him as he ushered her to the door.

We all walked out, our arms up around our heads. Well, except for the nurse, the pregnant woman, and the employee who was helping her.

I glanced behind me as I reached the door. Chuck stood in the center of the room, looking nervous, and Len was standing at the back of the room. I hadn’t expected him to let us go this way. I raised my hands over my head and slipped out the door.

Chapter Five


These guys were both idiots. Sure, stick me in the bathroom and put duct tape around my wrists and ankles. Like that was going to stop me. My wrists were bound behind my back, and the tape was off in less than ten seconds. It took another fifteen seconds to get it off my ankles and mouth. It took me longer to get the others out, but within two minutes, we were all free. I spoke quietly to each of them, moving to the side of the door in case they came in to check on us. If they did, I’d take them out then, but in the meantime, we didn’t need to be uncomfortable.

A few minutes after we were locked in there, I heard the police loudspeaker, and then Chuck told the group of hostages to get up and leave. Chairs scratched the floor, and muted footsteps could barely be heard from the main room. Why put us in here if they were going to let the hostages go?

If they were letting them leave, then surprising Len and Chuck by opening the door would be a bad idea, especially since I didn’t have a firearm with me. I heard the police announce that cops were coming in, and I told the three people with me to get on their knees, face the wall, and put their hands behind their heads.

“Why are we doing this?” one of the men asked.

“So when they yank open the door and have a gun on you, you don’t freak out and move. You move—they shoot. Just sit still and wait for the police to find us. They will direct you when and how to move from there.”

I heard the police giving commands to the two men in the main room, and I dropped to my knees. It wouldn’t take long for someone to check the bathroom, and I was right—only twenty seconds by my count.

“Which one of you is Blaire?”

“Me,” I said as I unlaced my fingers and waved my hand.

“Who are these people with you?” he asked.

“All innocent victims,” I said as I looked at the tactical dressed man over my shoulder. He told me to get to my feet, and then I helped the woman get to hers. The cops in the main room told one of the guys to stand still.

When we stepped into the main room, Chuck was seated in a chair. His hands were cuffed behind his back, and his mask was on the table next to him. He watched the cop pull the cover off of Len’s face and gasped.

“That’s not Len!” Chuck exclaimed.

My face snapped to the other man, and I saw tape over his mouth. His green eyes were wide and frightened. The cop yanked the tape from his mouth, and the man sputtered, “I’m not him! He made me trade clothes with him. He told me he knows where I live, and he’d kill my family if I didn’t do it. He walked out of here with the woman who was pregnant.”

I turned to the cop beside me. “That’s not Len, he’s telling you the truth. His voice is not gravelly enough, and his eyes are the wrong color.”

I started rushing toward the door as one of the cops got on his radio. As I breached the door, there was a bit of commotion off to the side, and a few police officers began to run that way. I scanned the crowd, saw Trevor, Alex, and Jake near one of the police SUVs, and then I saw Maggie off to the side talking to two cops.

I made a beeline toward Maggie. I wanted to check on her before I gave my statement to the police. I was a few steps away from her when she turned from the cops and launched herself into my arms the moment that she saw me.

“Oh, my god! You’re alright!” I held her tightly for a moment, glad to see she was unharmed.

“Yeah, I’m fine. How are you?” I leaned back to check her and cupped her cheek.

“I’m a little rattled, but I’m okay and glad it is over without anyone harmed.”

I pulled her back to me and kissed her brow as I tucked her against my chest.

“Yo, Blaire!” I heard my name shouted, and I shifted my body and Maggie’s so I could see Trevor as he approached with Alex. “Dude, where’s my coffee?”

I started laughing. “Sorry, my order got interrupted.”