Page 74 of Henley

“I know.” I caressed his face.

He glanced at his watch. “We need to get going so we can accomplish all we need to today.”

Lee went into the bathroom to clean up, and I gathered our clothes and sorted them on the bed. When he came out, I let my gaze drift over his naked body, instantly craving him again.

“Stop looking at me like that, woman.”

“Sorry, I can’t help it.”

He smacked me on the butt, this time harder which made me jump and bark out a laugh as he grabbed his boxers. The thought of him slapping me a bit during sex started to hold a little appeal, and as much as I wanted to try it out, I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom.

When I came out, Lee was gone, and so were two of my suitcases. I collected the smallest one and began to head down. It took us a few minutes to get the last of my things loaded into our vehicles, and then I was standing in my foyer looking around.

“You forget something?” he asked as he put his arm around my back.

“No, I’m just thinking about how excited I was to move in here. I had so many hopes and dreams.”

“Well, now, you have new ones.”

I turned to him. “I do.”

He gave me a lopsided smile before kissing me tenderly. “Let’s get on the road so that we make it to my parents’ house by lunch. I know you wanted to get all this work stuff to your new office today, too.”

I followed him out of the house and locked the doors behind me, a mixture of sadness and anxiety filling me. I knew I’d be back here, but hopefully not until I’d found a new place to live, but locking that door seemed kind of final. Like I was closing a door to the past.

Lee was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting, and as I slowly made my way down, I realized that Ihadjust closed a door to the past, and this man, this man was my future.

I followed behind him on the way to Millerstown, and the drive went quickly. Before I knew it, we were pulling down the driveway to his parents’ house, and his father stepped out the back door, waving as we parked.

Lee gave his father a hug, and then Dave came to me, putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing. “It’s good to see you again, Roxanne.”

“You, too.”

I started to help gather things from my car but was quickly shooed away. “We have this, go in and say hello to Mom,” Lee commanded.

“I can carry things. My arms are not broken,” I replied.

Lee kissed me. “Yes, I know you can, but why should you when we can do it for you. You’ll have enough to move around in your new office by yourself. Take advantage of the help while you can.”

“Ah, true.” I collected my purse and one small bag and headed into the house, holding the door open for them as they followed behind me.

“Roxanne,” Pat greeted me after the men walked past me. “I’m so glad you are here.” She pulled me into a tight hug that I hadn’t expected but very much enjoyed.

“Thank you again for allowing me to stay here for a little while. I promise I’ll find a place as soon as I can and get out of your hair.”

“You stay as long as you need,” she reassured me. “It will be nice to get better acquainted.”

“Yes, it will.”

Pat ushered me into the kitchen where lunch was in preparation and poured me a glass of iced tea as she started telling me what was done and what needed to be done for the party. She had just caught me up when Lee and his father joined us.

We were just sitting down to eat when my cellphone rang, and I saw it was my brother. “Will you all excuse me? I need to take this. Please go ahead and start eating. I’ll be right back.”

I answered as I walked out of the room. “Hello?”

“Where are you?”

I paused midstep and cocked my head. “Um, I’m in Millerstown.”