“I know.”
Just then, there was noise at the back door, and a rush of voices came down the hall. “Sounds like Kayley is finally here.”
“Good. Now that is one child that I would like to have move closer. She’s too far away, but don’t you tell her I said that.”
“I won’t.”
Kayley came in with my dad and gave my mom and me a hug. “Where is everyone else? I saw Wes and the little kids outside.”
“Charlotte, Riley, and Roxanne went to the country club to check it out. Not sure where Hunt disappeared to,” I said.
“Tonya is folding napkins for me,” my mother added.
“Oh, yes, important job,” my father joked.
“Who is Roxanne?” Kayley asked as she removed her jacket and tossed it over a chair.
“Henley’s girlfriend,” Hunt answered as he strolled back into the room and went to Kayley.
“You have a girlfriend?” she asked over Hunt’s shoulder as she embraced him.
“She’s not really my girlfriend. She’s my guest, and she is a wedding planner that I introduced to Charlotte and Wes to help with their wedding.”
“Oh, great idea!” Kayley exclaimed.
“Don’t let him fool you, he’s got it bad for Roxy, bruises and all,” Hunt said as he took Kayley’s small overnight bag.
“Hunt, will you cut it out.” I punched him in the shoulder playfully. “She was in an accident; that’s how I met her. I haven’t known her that long, hence the reason I said she is not my girlfriend.”
“But you’re sleeping with her?” Kayley asked.
I laughed. “No, I’m not sleeping with her. I brought her as a guest.”
“Yeah, but he’s already thinking of settling down and raising a family,” Hunt supplied, and I glared at him as my mother turned to me.
“Are you really? Now that would be something to see, you settled down and with a family.”
“Why is that so hard to picture, not that I’m actually considering it at this time.”
My father was leaning against the wall. “Because out of all you kids, you and Kayley are the ones your mother and I said would be the last to settle down.”
Kayley and I glanced at one another, and she shrugged as she spoke. “Works for me. I don’t have time for relationships.”
“I can’t believe you guys actually talked about that,” I said with a laugh.
My father grinned as he watched my mother approach him. She stood on tiptoe for a kiss. Even after all these years, the two of them were so much in love and never refrained from affection in front of us. In fact, I’d seen my parents get downright frisky when they didn’t know we were around.
As my dad ran a finger down her cheek, I found myself feeling something that I never expected to feel—envy.
I pulled my gaze away from them as the back door opened, and Tyler and Marisol came running in. “Roxy got hit by a car!” Tyler shouted, and I froze.
Before any of us could respond, Wes entered the kitchen with Roxanne in his arms. “She’s okay.” His gaze nailed mine, and I didn’t see any panic in them.
“Oh, good lord, what happened,” my mother replied as Charlotte and Riley joined us.
“A truck was backing up in the parking lot, and the driver wasn’t paying attention. They ran right into Roxanne,” Riley said.