Page 84 of Henley

She lifted her chin so she could look into my face, and we were only inches apart. Her gaze went to my lips momentarily as she brushed her hand over my face in a familiar way. “It’s been a while since you held me like this.”

I pushed her slightly away and turned her to help get her on the gurney. After strapping her down so she wouldn’t tumble off, I grabbed our packs and turned toward the door. There stood Roman, glaring at me. Well, fuck. Had he seen the exchange between Susan and me? Not that I had done anything wrong, but the way he was throwing daggers at me told me that he wasn’t happy about something.

I didn’t have time to worry about Roman though, and we transported Susan to the hospital. After dropping her off, we were dispatched to another call, and it was hours later that I thought about it again.

I was in the emergency room, having just delivered the third patient of the day when I saw Susan walking toward the exit. I turned to the nurse in front of me. “Susan Bartlow’s okay?”

“Oh, yes, she and the baby are fine,” she said without lifting her gaze from the computer in front of her. Which was good because she missed the surprise that crossed over my features.

Susan was pregnant? Had she known that earlier? Or did she just learn about it while she was here? Who the hell was the father?

I walked out of the emergency department, wondering what poor sucker had gotten her knocked up and thanking God that it wasn’t me.

It was raining, and the temperatures were quickly lowering to make conditions dangerous when I slipped next to the ambulance and almost went under it. “Damn,” I muttered as I got my footing, and all thoughts of Susan were long gone.

That night, Roxy and I talked for a few minutes on the phone before she had to run to check on something, and then I called Winston and told him when I’d be able to start.

As I fell asleep that night, I was smiling. I couldn’t wait to share the surprise with Roxy the next time I saw her. I just hoped that she was as excited about it as I was.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Roman was at my old house right now, collecting the bulk of my furniture and was supposed to be here around two to unload it into my new place. Luckily, we didn’t have any significant events going on at the country club, and I could meet up with him and help.

The stitches were out of my leg now, and while it still hurt once in a while, it was much better, and I was getting around without limping. Work was crazy busy, and as much as I hated to admit that I was no longer working my own business, I was loving what I was doing.

Carol had given me permission to do just about everything that I suggested, and my staff was incredible—my staff! Several of them had even taken the time to tell me how much they enjoyed working with me and loved my changes. I was glad because I knew that if you had happy employees, you had better results.

I chatted with Lee when I could, but since I was now working from ten until eight almost every night, sometimes much later when events were happening, our conversations were short and sweet. In those few moments of spare time that I had, I fantasized about our future and planning my own wedding. Would we really get to that point? I hoped that we did.

I collected the keys to my new place, grabbed a bunch of sandwiches and drinks, and then arrived a few minutes before my brother and his friends did. Before we unloaded, we all took seats on the floor and enjoyed our lunch.

The afternoon sped by as they brought in all the major furniture, and I pointed to where it should go. With the four guys helping, it was quick work to get it all in. I knew that it was going to take me longer to pack up the kitchen in my old place than it did for them to fill this new one with my furniture.

They were just about done when Roman came into the kitchen and found me jotting down some notes of things that I would need for the place. In his hand was his cellphone, and when I looked up, he looked almost nervous.

“What’s up?” I asked as I set my pen down.

“Man, you know I should have told you this before we put everything inside this place.”

“What are you talking about, Roman?”

He stared at his phone and then set it down on the counter in front of me. On the screen was a picture, and my heart tripped over itself. In the photo, Lee was in front of Susan, and he was cupping her cheek, staring into her eyes. What the hell!

Roman swiped his screen to another picture, and in that one, they were standing up, her body leaning against his, his arms around her waist and her arms wrapped over his shoulders, her mouth too damn close to his.

I shoved the phone away. “Why did you show me that, Roman?” I was trying to hold back my tears, but I wasn’t doing such a great job.

“Because I told you he was a dog, Rox. This is proof, and shit, look who he’s with!”

I turned away from him and began to walk away, but he grabbed my arm to stop me. “I’m sorry, Rox. I know you liked the guy. Do you want us to put everything back in the truck and take it back?”

“No!” I snapped at him and shrugged out of his hold. “I’m not going anywhere. I like this place, and I love my job. I’m staying here. He lives in Plattsville, so who cares. It’s not like it was serious with us or anything.”

Liar! My heart screamed as it began to shrivel in agony.

“Sorry, sis.”