Page 82 of Henley

“Yeah, I had to cover a couple shifts for one of the guys who is on vacation.”

I gnawed on my lip again. “I guess I’m going to have to enlist my brother’s help on this. At least get him to bring some of my stuff out.”

“Sorry that I can’t help you. I can always load my truck with more next week and bring other stuff.”

“Oh, that might work.”

“Then it sounds like a plan.”

I leaned in and kissed him. “I like making plans with you.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Iwas glad that I could finally tell Roxy how I felt about her. Every night that I had been away from her had sucked. I’d lain in bed wondering what she was doing and wishing that she was beside me snoring softly. We talked on and off while I was back in Plattsville, but mostly by text because she was working crazy hours, and work was hopping for me.

Being able to look at houses with Roxy was great. I loved seeing what she liked and what she didn’t. I found rather quickly that the two of us had very similar tastes, but I don’t think that I had ever seen anyone get quite so excited about a garage though.

After she had signed the lease, we had lunch at the local diner and then went back to my parents’ house to find they were gone. As soon as we both realized that, the two of us crashed into one another and somehow got up the stairs and into my room before our clothes were torn away. Making love to her, knowing how she felt about me, took our passion to another level, and after the initial rush, we slowed down and took our time loving one another.

Hushed whispered words, desire-filled gazes, and hearts beating as one, we connected in a whole new way. I couldn’t get enough of her, never wanted to get enough of her. She was now my world, and after as we lay there, I made my decision. I was going to take the job if it wasn’t too late, and I was going to move back here and start a life with her.

I wasn’t ready to tell her that—she had enough on her plate—and I wasn’t sure how quickly I could make it happen, but the decision was made.

We dressed and were in the kitchen making an early dinner when my parents returned. Over an enjoyable meal, Roxy told them all about her new place and how she had already made arrangements with her brother to bring some of the stuff out to her this weekend. Next week, she would go back to her house and get the rest packed up and ready to go.

After dinner, when I needed to get on the road, she walked me outside again, and we stood by my truck like we did every time I was here. This time, it seemed almost bittersweet as we kissed goodbye and whispered the words of love into the cold night air. I didn’t want to leave her, didn’t want to drive two hours away and sleep in a cold bed. The only thing that helped me to go was knowing that I’d made my decision, and now I needed to figure out logistics.

Before I got on the main road back to Plattsville, I made a stop at the fire chief’s house. Williams was happily surprised to see me, and we spoke for a few minutes. He confirmed that they were indeed still looking.

He shook my hand. “The job is yours if you want it, Henley. I’ve been pushing the other applicants to the side, hoping that you would reach out to me. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep doing it though.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Williams. I need to put in notice back at my firehouse, and then I can let you know when I can start, but it shouldn’t be too long.”

“The door is open for you the minute you are available.” He grinned. “Your brother was pretty sure you’d decide to take the job.”

“He was, was he?”

“Yeah, he said you had yourself a girl. I know you left here before to follow a woman, I hope this is a more solid relationship.”

I rubbed my jaw. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that things are different this time.”

He slapped me on the shoulder. “Good, I’m looking forward to having you back.”

“Can you keep this quiet for just a little while? I don’t want it getting back to my house before I can put my notice in.”

“You got it. I’ll just let the guys know that the position was filled. They don’t need to know more.”

“Thanks, Williams. I’ll be in touch soon.”

Excited that I had the position, I climbed back in my truck and made it home safely. That night when I lay down, I still felt lonely, but I knew that it was only a matter of time before Roxy and I could be together all the time.

I already knew that my parents wouldn’t mind me coming back there; in fact, they would love to have me home. While Roxy got situated in her new house, I could stay with my parents. If the time came that she wanted me to move in with her, then her place would be large enough for both of us for a little while. At least until we made those plans for marriage and family.

I wondered how long it would take us to get to that point. Personally, I didn’t think it was going to take me long to want to make the commitment, but would she be as willing?

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