This time we only took her vehicle since all her work stuff was in the back, and I amused myself by checking out all the features her new car had, even programming some music stations for her. Of course, they were my favorites, not hers, but I liked that she would have them there.
When we arrived, she introduced me to her boss, Carol Stevenson, and then she gave us a tour of the facility. Every step of the way, Roxy asked a ton of questions. I hung back and followed along but kept quiet as I watched every movement that Roxanne made. I was enthralled with the business side of her, and it frustrated me that Susan had undercut her and ruined her business.
After the big tour, we stopped in her new office, and Carol left us to get situated. Roxy and I moved furniture around and got things prepared before we went to retrieve the boxes in her car. After seven trips, we had it all in her office, and I stood there staring at all the stuff she brought with her.
“You really need all these to plan weddings?”
“Oh, yes. This is only the tip of the iceberg. I have so much more, but these are my go-to books and information. I’m not sure if I will use them here or not, but I wanted them with me. I’m going to have to figure out how much I can change about the way they do things and what is carved in stone.”
“Makes sense. Do you want me to help you unpack it?”
She shook her head. “No, I’m going to come back tomorrow and put things away.” She glanced at the bookshelves. “God knows I’ll fill those up. I’ll have to find out if I can get more. I think another one would fit over there.”
“Let me just grab this stuff and take it back with us. I want to read through the current information that they offer and start getting up to speed.” I waited while she collected several large binders and then stared at the pile. “I guess it is a good thing you are going home tonight.”
I laughed as I stepped up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing her ear. “You plan on reading all that tonight?”
“Then I’m glad I’m going back, too.” I laughed and kissed the side of her head again before letting her go. I glanced at my watch. “Wow, we’ve been here for over five hours. We should get back to my parents’. I’m sure they will be having dinner soon, and I need to get back on the road.”
She smiled sadly at me. “I wish you didn’t have to.”
“Yeah, me too.”
I collected the stuff she was bringing home, and we left. Once we got back to my parents’, I was surprised to see not just Bradley’s car, but Huntley’s and Riley’s, too.
“Looks like they are having a welcome party,” I commented as she parked.
“For me?”
“Sure, why not?”
“I don’t know, it’s just weird.”
“Weird?” I laughed. “Why? Because your family wouldn’t do something like that?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
I leaned over the console and kissed her. “Get used to it, Roxy. My family is very close. I want you to be a part of it.”
“For how long?” she asked quickly and seemed to hold her breath.
I cupped her cheek, my voice husky as I spoke. “For as long as I can, Rox.”
“I kind of like that idea,” she replied and leaned forward to kiss me again.
I carried all her stuff inside, and we set it in the living room before going back to see everyone.
“Hey!” Hunt called out. “We were just getting ready to eat. We weren’t sure how long you two would be gone.”
“Bring on the food,” Roxy said. “I’m starved! This man is a slave driver.”
Everyone laughed. “Me? Man, you guys should see this woman when she is working. Talk about bossy.”
She turned on me and thumped me on the chest playfully. “I am not bossy.”