I cupped his cheek. “Trust me, I totally forgot all about it until we were done. You did a great job keeping my mind occupied.” I lifted my head off the pillow and kissed him. “Stop frowning. I’m fine.”
“You’re sure you’re alright?”
“Yes, I’m wonderful. That was wonderful, and I hope we get to do it a bunch more.”
“Only a bunch?” he asked with a lopsided grin.
“Okay, a few thousand bunches? How is that?”
He nodded. “A few thousand bunches, I like that. I guess that means you want to stick around with me for a little while.”
I shifted more to my back and stared at him. “Yeah, I do. Is that alright with you?”
He lifted my hand, kissing the back of it. “I think that is more than alright, Roxy. I know we don’t know each other very well, but I can see this really being something.”
“I do, too.”
“Good, I’m glad, because I think I’m ready for something or everything.”
“Everything?” I laughed. “What do you mean by everything?”
“I mean,” he stared at me hard, “don’t get me wrong here, but I mean a real future. A marriage, kids, my life being intertwined with someone else’s.”
I stared at him and must have looked shell-shocked because he took hold of my face. “Relax, I’m not proposing or professing my undying love to you. I’m merely saying that I think the two of us have something, and I’m open to seeing where it goes.”
Chapter Twenty
Maybe it was too soon to say such things—okay, it was definitely way too early to say out loud. However, the words had been spoken, and I couldn’t very well take them back and ask her to forget them. In all honesty, I didn’t want to take them back.
Making love to Roxy just now had been life-changing for me. Her enthusiasm to enjoy our intimate time together, the sounds she made, the way her body felt around mine—had all been breathtaking. It wasn’t just that she seemed to enjoy sex, but that we connected on a level very few people can achieve.
Roxanne remained quiet as I mused it all over, and I wondered how much I had freaked her out. Was she ready to excuse herself and ask to be taken home? Would she roll over and say goodnight and wonder how she could get out of it tomorrow?
I was about to ask her when a smile began to creep over her lips, and she cupped my cheek. “When I came here with you, I was hoping to get to know you better. Of course, I had hoped that things would work out with Wes and Charlotte, too, but I wasn’t betting on that.” She paused. “I sure never expected all that I have found here.”
“What did you find?”
She feathered her fingers over my beard. “I found myself falling for not only this incredibly sexy man but his family, too. Your parents and siblings are amazing, and it really has shown me what I’m missing from my life. Maybe it is too soon to feel some of those things that you mentioned, or even consider a future with you, but I like how I feel, Lee. For the first time in a very long time, I want to look past the present and see a future.”
I leaned forward and touched my lips to hers tenderly. “You have no idea how good it is to hear that, Roxy. Things with us have happened fast, but it just feels right. It’s like I’ve been waiting my whole life for you, and now that I have found you, I don’t want to slow down. I just want to keep moving forward and cherish every moment that I have with you.”
“Then let’s not slow down. Let’s keep going, Lee.”
I laced our fingers together. “I’m willing if you are.”
“Yes,” she breathed softly and placed a kiss on my lips.
Roxy shifted so that her thigh was out of the way while I got up and turned the light off. When I lay back down, she put her head on my chest, her arm draped over my stomach, and I traced my fingers along her side, up her arm, to her head, and then back down again. I felt her body calm and a few muscle twitches as she began to drift off, and a couple minutes later, she softly began to snore.
I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes, hugged her closer to my side, and drifted off to the sweet sound of her sleeping.
The next morning, I woke to find her staring at me, but not in a nice way. She was up against the headboard, her right knee pulled tightly to her chest with an arm wrapped around it, her chin resting on her knee, and her lips pursed.
I lifted my head, blinking a few times and glancing around the room. Judging by the amount of light in here, it was around seven. “Morning.” I spoke and then cleared my throat. “How long have you been awake?”
She lifted her phone from the nightstand. “One hour and thirteen minutes.”