Page 56 of Henley

She didn’t need to ask that again; I was all for it as she rolled into my arms and brought her mouth to mine.

Chapter Nineteen


Iwas so glad that Pat enjoyed her gift. I had been nervous that she might think it was silly, but what did you get for a woman that you didn’t know? At least Lee had given me an idea, and she seemed very pleased with it, thanking me several times.

Lee’s father had approached me as I was getting ready to head upstairs. “Your gift was very thoughtful. Pat had mentioned once not long ago that she’d like to visit that sanctuary. Now she has a reason to go.”

I touched his arm. “I’m so happy to hear that.”

“You did good; all of us know you did. If there was a test to join the gang, you just passed with flying colors.”

His words brought a broader smile to my face. “That’s good to hear.”

“Thank you again, Roxanne. You get some rest; you look exhausted.”

“Thank you, Mr. Young.”

“Call me, Dave, Roxanne. I just told you that you passed the test. You’re practically part of the family now.” He patted my shoulder and then walked off. Tears came to my eyes, and I spun around and made my way upstairs.

I washed my face and changed into a t-shirt before lying down on the bed. My leg ached, but I’d live through the pain. I didn’t want to take any medication right now because I had some serious thinking to do.

What would my family think when I told them I was going to move out this way and start over? I had a feeling they would fight me on this, especially Roman. I could just hear him now, talking about how I would fail, and no one would be around to help me, but I knew he was wrong. I had been living under their shadow too long, and it was time for me to do this on my own.

My father would probably shake his head and sigh wearily, telling me I was acting like my mother, following a false dream. How could her dream be false when she was happy?

I needed to figure out what to do with my lease and my office. Ironically, I remembered that my lease for the office space was coming due in a month, so this was the perfect time to give them my notice. Now, to figure out where to put everything out here? Could I afford a storefront here in Millerstown? What about an apartment? I could do with a smaller place than what I had in Plattsville. I didn’t mind downsizing for a little while until I could get my feet planted. Maybe if things went well, I could afford a small house someday soon.

Thoughts of a house brought Lee back to mind, and I wondered if things would work out between us. I wanted them to, probably more than I had the right to admit, and weirdly enough, I wanted my picture on the wall of their living room. I wanted to be part of something bigger than what I had, part of this crazy, laughter-filled family that loved so much that it instantly made you feel full.

For a while, I dwelled over what would need to be done. In the morning, I would speak to Pat and find out more about the Valentine’s party and see what I could come up with. Once I got home, I’d need to get a new car, and then I could come back and forth as I got things figured out.

I was wondering what other kinds of events I could get involved with when there was a soft knock on the door, and then Lee peeked his head in. The moment I saw him, all I wanted to do was get him in bed with me. I couldn’t care less if I had stitches or broken bones. I wanted to be with him, and I wanted it now.

When he finally climbed on the bed, I took him into my arms and held him as tightly as I could. His hands roamed my body, never stopping long enough in any one place. My own hands had a mind of their own as they traced the lines of his body. I loved the feel of his muscles as they shifted. They weren’t bulky but they were firm and strong.

He kissed down my neck, rolling me to my back and sliding his hand under the hem of my shirt, his fingers trailing over my ribs where they paused. Oh, please, touch me, I begged in my mind. When he didn’t move his hand, I moved it for him, and he chuckled softly.

While I wasn’t modest, I also wasn’t shy when there was something that I wanted, and I wanted Lee. I craved his touch, yearned for the weight of his body on mine. He lifted my shirt, glancing at me as he leaned down to circle my nipple with his tongue, and I arched into his mouth.

He pulled back, laughing softly. “In a hurry?”

“No, I want you so much, but I’m not very patient,” I replied breathlessly.

“Well, you better learn some patience, because I plan to take my time and enjoy every inch of your beautiful body.”

I frowned. “Can you do that the next time?”

He chuckled harder. “Maybe I’ll do half now, half later, how is that?”

“Okay, more now, please,” I begged as I pulled his head back to my chest. His hot breath rushed over my skin as he laughed, but a second later, he had eagerly engaged again.

I pulled at the waistband of his boxers, pushing my hand under the material to touch him. He shifted to the side, so I could grasp his erection, and his moan sent shock waves through my body. The silky flesh was hot and filled my hand as it glided up and down his length. He was perfect, not too large, not too small, and I was giddy with the thought of having him deep in me.

One of his hands began to pull at the edge of my panties, and I lifted my hips off the bed so he could pull them down, his gaze warming me to the point of overheating as he bent down and nipped at my hip bones. I wiggled out of my shirt, yanking it over my head and tossing it away. He lifted his eyes to me, his hand coming to my collarbone where he slowly let it slide down the front of my body while his eyes took in every inch they touched.

“You are so damn gorgeous, Roxy.”