“Can I go?” Tyler asked.
“We’ll see,” his father replied.
As my mother continued to open gifts, I noticed all my siblings casting glances toward Roxanne, and in their gaze, I saw complete acceptance. Anyone who could do something so touching for someone that they didn’t know was A-okay in their book.
I held her a little tighter, finding myself dying to have her alone so I could just gaze into her eyes and kiss her lips. It was a few hours before we were able to do that. In fact, after helping get the kitchen clean, and everything back in place, I found that Roxanne had already gone upstairs.
I took the stairs to say goodnight to her and knocked on my door. When she told me to come in, I opened the door to find her lying on the bed dressed in a t-shirt. Her long beautiful legs were on top of the covers, and I was tempted to join her, but I stepped to the side of the bed and kept my distance instead.
“My mom is still talking about your gift.”
“I’m so glad that she liked it.”
“It takes a lot to surprise me, but you did.”
“How did I surprise you?”
I laughed. “I know I only mentioned wolves to you once, but you remembered that.”
“It’s the only thing I knew about your mom at that time.”
“Yeah, well, I think you outdid all the rest of us.”
She laughed huskily, and my chest tightened again. “Are you done downstairs?”
“Yeah, everything is cleaned up.”
She held her hand out to me. “Then come here.”
I should have stepped away, told her there was something else that I needed to do, but I didn’t. I took her hand and went to my knees beside the bed. I kissed her palm before I placed it against my cheek. “You’re kind of amazing, Roxy.”
“I could say the same thing about you and your family.”
“They are pretty awesome.”
“Yes, they are.” She gnawed her bottom lip for a moment. “Being here has made me think about my own family more and more. I guess after seeing how you grew up and how you all get along, you would think my family was rather dysfunctional.”
“Families are all different. I wouldn’t say yours is dysfunctional, but I will admit that I’m not fond of the way they put you down and don’t support you.”
“I know.” Her thumb caressed my cheek. “Seeing your family makes me want more than I had. I think that’s why I decided to start over. Maybe I can make a new life here. Have a new family that supports me.”
“I’d like to see that,” I replied softly.
“Join me on the bed.”
Part of me was already jumping on, but the other part hesitated. “If I do that, Roxy, I might not leave tonight. I’m not sure I could lay beside you right now and not make love to you.”
Her lips parted, and her tongue peeked out enough to wet her lips. “That’s what I was hoping for.”
“Shit,” I murmured as I closed my eyes and tried to hold myself back. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’ll let you know if you do, but, Lee, I want you here with me. I like you a lot, and I want to be with you.”
I studied her for a long moment, then nodded and rose to my feet. I paused at the door and locked it before kicking off my shoes. By the side of the bed, I hesitated for a fraction of a second before I pulled my shirt over my head. Roxanne’s gaze heated, and I watched her eyes drift down my chest and lock on to me removing my pants. I climbed on the bed slowly and crawled toward her.
Her arms opened as I got closer, and I didn’t hesitate to go into them and press my lips to hers.
When I pulled back, Roxy touched my face. “Make love to me, Henley.”