Page 54 of Henley

“That’s not a bad thing. You are supposed to have a full stomach when you take that stuff.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“So, what did you want to tell me?”

She set her full fork back on her plate and looked me in the eye. “I think I might try your suggestion.”

“Which one?”

“Starting over here.”

I leaned back, slightly surprised that she’d already made that decision. “Are you serious?”

“Why? Do you think it’s not a good idea anymore?”

“No, I think it’s a great idea, I just—” I paused. “I guess I just expected you to think it over longer.”

“I never have been a procrastinator. When I decide to do something, I want to jump right into it. If I’m going to help your mom with the Valentine’s party and work on Charlotte’s wedding, then it only makes sense to be out this way.”

“That’s great, Roxy. Does my mom know?”

“About me helping with the party? Yes, we already spoke about it.” She returned to eating, and I thought over what she’d just said.

While I was glad that she was going to make a new start, I found myself slightly disappointed that she would be here while I was in Plattsville. Maybe I should look at that job—but then again, I’d moved once before to be closer to a woman I cared about, and that had gone all kinds of wrong.

We grew quiet as we ate and listened in on the conversations around us. After we were done, and Roxy had eaten every bite on her plate, I sat back on the couch. Roxy looked sleepy and leaned against my shoulder. I draped my arm over her shoulders, and she cozied up to my side.

I stayed there as Tonya, Kayley, and Riley got the cake ready, and then I helped Roxanne to her feet so we could gather around the kitchen counter to sing happy birthday. We took our cake back to the couch and joined in on more chatter for a while.

When most of the people had left, and only family and close friends were present, my mother got seated in her favorite armchair, and everyone gathered in the room on every possible surface they could so she could open her gifts. We laughed and joked about the gifts that she received, and when my mom was handed a card, Roxy spoke softly beside me. “That’s from me.”

I kissed her forehead. “That was nice of you to get her a card.”

My mom opened it and began to read it aloud like she had the others. It was as she read the inside and the note that Roxanne had written that I found myself oddly overwhelmed.

“Mrs. Young, I heard that you wanted a wolf, and while I knew I couldn’t give you one for real, I hope that this will help you a little bit. Thank you for letting me be part of your special day.” My mother glanced at her, smiling sweetly as she began to unfold a piece of paper that was inside the card. She read it over, and her hand went to her mouth. “Oh, my! Oh, Roxanne! This is wonderful! How thoughtful of you!”

“What is it, Mom?” Kayley asked.

“It’s two tickets to visit a wolf sanctuary. Oh, Roxanne, I am truly touched.” My mother swiped under her eye as if the gift had touched her so profoundly that she was crying.

I stared down at Roxy as she lifted her head and smiled briefly. “I hope you enjoy it. I was there once many years ago, and I had such a wonderful time.”

“Is that the place that you can go to watch them howl at the moon?” Hunt asked.

“Since when are you into wolves?” Brad queried at the same time.

I leaned toward Roxy and whispered, “You are amazing.”

Her smile was shy. “Thank you for the hint.”

I kissed her head again, and I swear that part of me fell in love with her right then. There was a lot of conversation around the room about wolves and the sanctuary for a few moments.

My mom turned her attention back to Roxanne. “This really is one of the best gifts I could ever receive.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“You and Henley will have to come with us when we go.”