Page 48 of Henley

“I wanted to let you know, and also tell you that the officer is coming over in a little while to get a statement from you.”

“He is?”

She nodded. “Yes, they are going to charge him with hitting you.”

“What a mess,” Roxy muttered. “Do I really need to talk to him? I hate being in the middle of drama.”

Charlotte waved her comments away. “This guy deserves all the drama, as long as it gets him locked up for a while.” She smiled. “Get some rest, I’ll let you know when he’s here.” Charlotte slipped back out the door and pulled it closed.

“Explain, please,” I stated to Roxy, and she told me how they had been laughing and not paying attention, and then this truck hit her, then left after Riley verbally attacked him and took his picture.

“That’s my sister for you. She’s a tough cookie.” I stretched out on the side of the bed beside her.

“She is.”

“What were you all laughing about?” I asked.

She bit her bottom lip. “Um, I kind of went off on one of the employees. She was rude, and I put her in her place. Riley told me once we got outside that she’d been about to go gangster on her, and Charlotte told me she’d never liked the lady. We just kind of went hysterical for a few minutes.”

I chuckled, imagining the three of them in the parking lot laughing together. I had to admit that I liked the picture.

“Do you like Charlotte and Riley?”

Her hand shot out and landed on my chest. “I do! They are so much fun! We really were having a great time. It’s been so long since I had girlfriends to talk to, but I can totally imagine being friends with them.”

I put my hand over hers on my chest. “I’m glad. I don’t know Charlotte very well, but I really like her. I’m glad you all are getting along.”

“Are you really close to Riley?”

“Yeah, probably closer to her than anyone else, well, besides maybe Wes. Wes and I are pretty close, but Riley and I have a special relationship.” She blinked slowly and winced. “Are you hurting?”

“I am, or at least I am starting to. The numbness and adrenaline are wearing off. Can you possibly get my purse so I can get my pain medication?”

“Sure, I can. Is there anything else I can get you?”

“No, just that, oh, and some water to take them with.”

“I’ll be right back.” I slipped off the bed and went to find her purse and a glass of water. I was back a few minutes later, and she had moved a little further down on the bed.

She dug through her purse until she found the pill bottle and removed one. We traded her purse for the water glass, and she drank the whole thing before handing the glass back to me. I went back around the bed and retrieved my favorite blanket that was folded along the bottom and spread it over her body.

I stretched back out beside her. “Why don’t you take a nap?”

“I hate to sleep while there is so much going on downstairs.”

I took her hand. “Roxy, no one would have a problem with you taking a nap. All of us have been injured before, and we all know we need to rest to recover.”

She stared at me, letting her eyes trace over my features. “Can I ask you a question?”


“Do you want six kids, too?”

I barked out a laugh. “Oh, god, no! I’d be happy with one or two. I might lose my mind with six.”

She looked instantly relieved. “Okay, I mean, not that it matters right now, but your brother got me a little worried there.”

I leaned forward so our faces were only a couple of inches away. “No need to worry, Rox, and if and when we get to that place in our lives, we will talk more about it.”