Page 47 of Henley

“Wow.” Roxanne touched my arm. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to talk with her again. Isn’t it amazing how some people can come into our lives, and in just a short time, make such an amazing impact?”

“It is,” I commented, and for a few moments, we studied one another.

“Thank you for being an amazing patient,” Wes said. “Most of my patients wiggle so much I have to partially restrain them to stitch them up.”

Roxy laughed. “That’s right, you work with wiggle worms.”

“Yep.” Wes winked. “I love working with kids.”

“I bet you’re good at it. I’ve only seen you with Marisol and the other kids, but it is very apparent that you enjoy being around children.”

“Thanks.” He grinned down at Roxy, and I held my breath as he asked the next question. “Charlotte and I want to have another five kids. What about you? Do you want children?”

“Five?” She squeaked. “Holy cow! Why so many?”

I laughed. “Do you think six is too many?”

She shook her head as she turned to me. “No, but I can’t imagine having that many children. I guess I’d always thought about having two kids, not that I’d really ever been in a position to seriously consider it.”

Wes captured her attention again as he covered her wound with sterile gauze. “We grew up with six kids, and I loved having all the siblings. I know that a lot of people might be overwhelmed with that, but Charlotte is on the same page with me.”

“That’s fantastic.” She glanced my way but didn’t say anything.

“Okay, I think that you should probably lay here for a while and rest. Do you still have pain medication? I can write you a script and have Hunt go pick it up for you if you don’t.”

“No, I still have some, thanks, Wes.”

“You’re welcome.” He gathered his things.

“Let Mom know I’m going to stay up here with Roxanne for a little while.”

“I will,” Wes replied as he started to leave the room, then paused at the door. “No wild sex you two. Roxy needs to let that leg heal a little bit.”

Roxanne chuckled as I responded. “We’ll try to behave ourselves.”

Wes pulled the door closed behind him after saying he’d let everyone know Roxy was alright and resting.

Once the door was closed, Roxy leaned further back into the pillows. “I’m sorry.”

I frowned. “Why are you sorry?”

“Because I just caused a fuss with everything else going on.”

“What actually happened?”

She opened her mouth to speak when there was a knock on the door. Charlotte peered in from a crack. “Are you alright? I feel so bad that this happened to you.”

“I’m okay. This is my luck, Charlotte.” Roxy gave her a smile.

“No, that jerk was at fault, not you. Riley just heard from her friend; the guy was drunk. Her friend was waiting for him when he pulled into his driveway, and he was arrested.”

“What?” Roxy’s eyes grew huge. “He was intoxicated?”

“Yep, now aren’t you glad that Riley took those photos?”

“Yeah, I am.” She paused. “Wow, he could have killed someone.”

I squeezed her forearm. “Yeah, you.”