The woman eyed me skeptically, I’m sure wondering how I could plan weddings looking like I was a punching bag. “Well, we have our own wedding coordinator here that does all that.”
I stepped forward. “Is your wedding coordinator the one who set up the room that way?”
She nodded. “Of course, she decides how things should go.”
“And who are you?”
“My name is Carol Stevenson, I’m the general manager of events.”
“Okay, Ms. Stevenson, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your wedding coordinator sucks. All of those tables are out of alignment. The centerpieces look like a two-year-old did them, and she sure isn’t using the space to the best of her abilities. You could fit four more tables in there if you moved things around properly, without it looking crowded.”
Her mouth dropped open as I continued. “Charlotte and her fiancée, Wes Young, have hired me to be their coordinator. I will be making sure that things are exactly astheyrequest. Which means that I will give you a detailed explanation of how it will be set up when the day comes, and I will oversee all the details to be sure they are perfect. How does that sound?”
She glanced at Charlotte momentarily. “Of course, anything the bride wants.”
“That’s great. Do you have a card? Or the card for the wedding coordinator? I’d like to know who I need to deal with as decisions are made. We are going to have to nail down the menu soon. I know that Charlotte and Wes did a preliminary menu with you, but some things will need to be adjusted, plus we need to add a few options for vegetarians. I’ll also need the card for your chef so that I can make sure that the items we choose are free of allergens, or marked properly so guests know.”
“Um.” She stared at me wide-eyed. “You can get our business cards at the front desk.”
“Very well, thank you for your time.” I stuck my hand out, and it took a moment before she put her mushy fish paw into mine. Ugh, I hated women who didn’t shake with a firm grip. It was seriously unprofessional.
I knew she was staring after us, and I straightened my shoulders the best that I could while I limped along. The three of us walked calmly down the hallway and to the front desk where I collected business cards from every person who was anyone within the building. As we stepped out the front door, Riley and Charlotte started to laugh, and I spun toward them, surprised.
“Girl, you were awesome!” Riley clapped her hands. “I was about to go all gangster on her, but you beat me to it!”
“That really was amazing, Roxy,” Charlotte continued. “I was not a fan of that woman when I first met her, but the place was nice, so we went with it.”
I flicked my gaze between the two of them and then heaved out the breath I had been holding. “Holy cow, I thought you might be mad that I got all in her face.”
“No way!” Charlotte burst out. “That was amazing!”
“I loved the look on her face when you said the wedding coordinator sucked.” She cackled. “It was freaking priceless.”
Charlotte wiped the tears out from under her eyes. “And the centerpieces! Oh, my god! They were awful.” The three of us were all blinded by hysteria, and I definitely was not paying attention when the vehicle I was stepping behind began to pull out.
I screamed in alarm as the bumper of the truck stuck me right in the thigh where my stitches were. I twisted away, trying to throw myself out of the path so I wouldn’t be pulled under the bumper and the wheels.
Charlotte screamed too and was at my side a second after I landed. Riley, on the other hand, ran around the truck and started screaming at the driver.
“Did you not see us behind you! What kind of an idiot are you? You just hit my friend, asshole!”
He didn’t get out, but I think he was more concerned that Riley might attack him. Not wanting to make more of a scene, I scrambled to my feet with the help of Charlotte. “I’m okay, Riley.”
She slammed her hand against the truck window. “Jerk! You can’t even bother to get out of the truck and check on her! You’re an idiot.” She came around the back of the truck, yanking out her cellphone. She stood directly behind the truck and snapped a picture of his license plate, then went back to the driver’s window and surprised him as she took a picture of him.
“That’s for the police!” She spun, her blond hair twirling around her, and waved for us to come.
“Bitch! Watch where you’re walking!” he yelled out the cracked window.
She turned around, and I’m pretty sure she flipped him the bird. “Nice clientele that they have here. Man, I’d never belong to this place. A bunch of worthless dweebs.”
I was glad that Charlotte was still holding on to me because my leg was starting to hurt. I glanced down. “Oh, damn! My leg is bleeding.”
“Let’s get you back to the house, and Wes can look at it,” Charlotte said.
“He’s a pediatrician,” Riley replied.
“It’s still a doctor,” she paused. “Or should we take you to the hospital?”