Page 12 of Henley

“Thanks, Roman.” I closed the door and then collected my bag and took it into the living room where my chargers were. I plugged in both my laptop and cellphone and collapsed on the couch. I’d give my phone a moment to charge and then call Becky, my client from yesterday. Hopefully, she had heard about my accident and was still interested.

I opened my eyes again when I heard my front door close and realized that I had fallen asleep. I glanced at my cellphone and found that I’d been asleep for over three hours. Damn it.

“Here is your medication,” Roman said as he came in. “How you feeling?”

“Hungry,” I replied. “I fell asleep as soon as I got home.”

“I wish I’d known. I could have brought you something.” He stared down at me, and I studied him for a moment. He looked more like our father every day. Which wasn’t a bad thing, our father was a handsome man. Roman’s police uniform made him look bigger though with the vest and all the gear around his waist.

“Busy out there today?” I asked as I opened the bag of medicine.

“Not really, same bullshit as usual.” He cleared his throat. “I have a friend whose wife works—”

I glared at him, “Roman, I’m not going to give up. Stop trying to find jobs for me to take.” I told him.

“Roxanne, you need a good job. You need a paycheck. I know you can’t have much left to live on. It’s time to admit you failed and move on.” He sighed and looked around. “If you don’t, you’re going to lose all of this.” I refused to respond, and after a moment, he continued. “Look I gotta go, I’ll check on you later.”

He turned and left without another word, and I blinked back more tears. Why wasn’t Momma here? Why couldn’t I have one person in my corner that believed in me?

I pulled up my messages and found two voicemails and several texts. Both of the phone calls were from Becky, and I listened to them. She was upset that I hadn’t shown up in the first one and then apologized in the second one saying she had heard about my accident and wished me well. She also told me that she’d gone with another wedding specialist, and she didn’t need to tell me who.

I deleted the messages, wondering if maybe Roman was right. Perhaps I should get a job, and then after I figure something out, I could build my business again later.

I glanced at my text messages and found one from a number that I didn’t recognize. When I pulled it up, I read the message, and for the first time all day, I felt a little better.

Hi, Roxy, it’s Henley Young. I got your number off the crash report. I hope you are still interested in dinner tonight. Let me know what you like to eat, and I’ll bring it over to you. I also have some good news for you. Hope you are feeling a bit better, and I’ll talk to you later.

Good news? Man, I could do with some good news. I replied to him quickly and then told him to let me know what time was right for him. I set my phone down and went to get water and a snack so I could take my medicine.

When I got back to the couch, I had another message waiting.No Thai it is, how about Italian? And does six work?

Six is perfect. See you then. Do you need the address?

Nope, I have it on the report. See you at six.

I smiled as I set my phone down, looking forward to spending a little bit of time with the handsome paramedic.

Chapter Six


Ihad to admit that I was looking forward to seeing Roxy a little more than I let on to anyone. A friend had called to ask me to come over for the hockey game, but I’d begged off, saying I already had plans.

After checking with Roxy that she was still up for it, I smiled as I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Italian worked for me. Now, what kind of Italian would she like? Was she a meat eater? Would she prefer chicken parmesan over just pasta and sauce? Hmm, maybe I should have asked her what she wanted.

Instead of doing that, I pulled out my phone again and called my little sister, Riley. “What’s wrong, Hen?” she asked in the way of a greeting.

“Nothing. Does something have to be wrong for me to call my favorite sister?”

She laughed. “You don’t normally call me on a workday. You’re lucky, I’m at lunch, or I wouldn’t have answered. And you obviously want something since you played the favorite sister card.”

I chuckled. “Okay, actually, I do want something, but only advice.”

“You are calling me for advice?” She laughed loudly. “Must be about a girl.”

“What if I said it was?”

Her laughter stopped. “Are you serious? I was only joking.”