“Jesus, Rox. When is the last time that you even had a client? What the hell do you do with your day? You sit in that tiny shop, which is a mess, by the way, and you do what?”
“I work,” I told him. In fact, I spent much of my day researching different wedding styles and venues. I did a lot of searching for ways to find clients too. I even started scoping out the newspaper column for new engagements and always sent a card of congratulations to them, along with an introduction to my services.
“Yeah, but your work is not paying off. You need to get over yourself, admit you failed, and move on. Dad and I are embarrassed for you.”
My eyes popped open. “You're embarrassed for me. Well, I’m so sorry that I am an embarrassment to you. Seriously, Roman, thanks a lot.”
“Hey, I’m only telling you this because I love you.”
I choked out a laugh as I rolled my eyes. “I’m tired. Go away, okay? Thanks for bringing my stuff.”
“Why was Young here?”
He was observing me carefully, and I frowned at him. “He was checking to see how I was. Unlike you and Dad, who want to get on my case, he was concerned for my welfare.”
“He’s just trying to get in your pants, Roxanne. Stay away from him.”
“Roman, go away. You might think your opinion is welcome in my business, which it’s not by the way, but you have no right to have an opinion on my love life.”
He laughed as he stood up. “He’s a dog, Roxy. If you think I’m going to stand back and let some mutt sniff at your ass, you’re wrong.”
“You’re beyond rude, Roman. Go away. I want to rest.” I closed my eyes as I turned away from him, and after a moment, I heard him walk out of the room. I let the tears fill my eyes then and drip down my cheeks.
Was I delusional? Did I have the ability to make my business work? Were they right? What if they were? And was my brother correct? Was Lee really a dog? Was I setting myself up for heartbreak by even entertaining the notion of having dinner with him?
I gave in to the emotions for a few minutes, and then I climbed out of bed carefully and brought my laptop bag back. After pulling it out, I tried to turn it on, but it was dead. The cold must have zapped the battery, and I had no doubt that the cellphone was just as dead. Sadly, my bag didn’t contain a charger, and my brother hadn’t thought about that. I tossed my laptop down to the bottom of my mattress and closed my eyes, hoping to fall back asleep.
It was a long night. With all the noises in the main corridor, and the nurse and aide coming in every hour, I barely got any sleep. My brother showed up around ten with a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt but neglected to bring me clean underwear, socks, or shoes. I was going to look awesome leaving the hospital in baggy sweats and high heels, talk about a lousy fashion statement—ugh!
After being released, Roman rolled me out the front door to his waiting police cruiser. “Seriously, you are taking me home in that?”
“What? I’m on duty. My sergeant gave me a little time off so I could come to get you.”
Instead of cleaning out the front seat, he opened the rear door, and I glared at him. “You are going to make me sit in the back?”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s clean, Roxy. I just wiped it down before I came to get you.”
Rather than argue—which I knew was pointless—I climbed in. The drive was only a few minutes, and at least if I sat in the back, I wouldn’t have to delve into small talk. I stared out the window as we headed away from the hospital, and the only voices in the car were coming from the dispatcher and other officers on the radio speaker in the front.
Roman pulled up to my house, and I asked, “Did you shovel the steps?”
“Not me.”
“Must have been a neighbor then. How much snow did we get last night?”
“Another three inches,” he replied as he put the car in park and came around to open my door.
I climbed out as quickly as I could, hating the small confines of the back seat, and made my way to the stairs stiffly. I had eleven stitches in my thigh, and it made it painful to bend and straighten my leg as I took the steps. Roman held my arm, along with my small briefcase and bag that contained my soiled clothing, including my ruined suede jacket.
“I’ll pick up your pain medication and bring it back right after lunch.”
“That’s fine. They gave me a dose before I left today, so it should last a little while.” I unlocked my door and was thankful to be inside my townhouse.
He set my stuff inside the door and looked at me. “You going to be alright?”
“I will. Thank you for picking me up.”
He smiled and waved. “I’ll be back after lunch.”