Page 40 of Unexpected Arrivals

“You’d do that?”

“Of course.” He hesitated. “That’s what friends do. They help each other.”

“Thank you, Trevor. Maybe it will be easier if you are here when I go in. I think it might be.”

“Great, then I can do that. Have you eaten? I could pick up lunch.”

“I am hungry, but how about I make us a sandwich. I made a roast yesterday, so I can make roast beef sandwiches.”

“I’m not going to turn that down. I’ll let you know when I’m leaving here.”

“Thanks, Trevor. I really appreciate it.”

“As I said, that’s what friends are for. See you in a little while. I have to get back to my class.”

“Sorry for bothering you. I’ll see you later.” I hung up, feeling only a little stupid for texting him.

I gathered my stuff and decided to go back to my place until I heard from him. I also wanted to change my clothes and maybe pull a brush through my untamed hair. It was only fair that I look presentable for the man. I mean, that’s what friends do for each other, right?

Chapter Fifteen


It had been a whirlwind of a week, and I was more exhausted than I had been after any six-month tour. Devon required around-the-clock attention, and I was doing my best to make sure that he had it. While still working, trying to find a suitable long-term solution for childcare, and starting the process of looking for a house. How did couples manage this? I was about to lose my mind doing it by myself.

Lucy had been a godsend, but I knew that I couldn’t rely on her forever. I had interviewed three nanny services, and next week I would start the process of speaking with a few possibilities from the service I had ultimately selected.

Even during all of that, my mind was constantly thinking about Davina. She was always there, always just on the verge of coming to the front of my thoughts. I’d never had a woman who had commanded so much of my mental attention before, and in a way, it bothered me. Maybe if she had wanted to be more than friends, it wouldn’t have irked me as much, but she didn’t.

I’d been careful to keep our relationship on firm friend-zone territory, especially after her comment earlier in the week about changing her shirt and Devon not being there. Man, the woman had caused all kinds of perverse fantasies to fill my head that day, one of which included honey and nipples.

Our conversations during the week had been kept to messages, and I enjoyed our mutual fun of sparring back and forth a few times a day. She constantly had me laughing about something, but when she told me to call her and that she needed help, I could think of nothing else but being there for her.

That’s why I was now carrying a sleeping baby up to the third floor. I wasn’t going to be able to stay long, though. I had made arrangements to drop Devon off with Lexi, and I was going to spend the afternoon with a real estate agent looking at houses. But I would do what I could for Davina before I had to go.

I knocked on the door, and a moment later, it opened. For a few seconds, the two of us stared at one another, and I had the instantaneous urge to pull her into my arms and kiss the hell out of her—but I didn’t.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey,” she replied almost shyly as she stepped back to hold the door open. The second I was inside, she took Devon’s car seat from me. “Oh, my god! He grew!”

“He did?” I said, staring down at Devon.

“Yes, look how big he is now.”

I chuckled. “It hasn’t even been a full week yet, Davina.”

She mock glared at me. “Yes, I know that, but babies grow a lot at this age.”

“I guess.”

“I want to hold him so bad,” she said softly.

“Yeah, well, he just fell asleep, so I wouldn’t bother him just yet.”

“Fine,” she sighed. “I have our lunch ready.”

I glanced at the pile of boxes and then scanned the room. She had moved the furniture around to make room for the growing pile. “You’ve done a lot.”