Page 23 of Unexpected Arrivals

“Where is Davina?”

“Sleeping, who is this?”

“This is her boss, Scott. I didn’t know she had a boyfriend; can you wake her up?”

“I’m not her boyfriend, and no, I’m not going to wake her up. She was up all night working on a project that I will assume was for you.”

“She was up all night? Why didn’t she finish that before? She’s never waited until the last minute to finish a project.”

“Maybe because she’s been a little busy.”

“Doing what? Davina has no life. Her job is her life.”

“You sure don’t know your employee very well. Are you aware that for the last ten days, she’s been taking care of a newborn?”


“Yes, her best friend passed away in childbirth, and she has been taking care of the infant until she could get in touch with me. She’s been taking care ofmychild while I was working overseas. Now she’s sleeping.”

He was quiet for a moment. “I had no idea.”

“No, I assumed that you didn’t. Davina’s exhausted and in mourning right now. She needs some time off.”

“Yeah, well, she’s got work to do. Her program works, but I have changes that I need made. I’m sorry for her loss, but I do have a business to run.”

“What is the name of your company?”

“Treemont Industries, why?”

I chuckled. “The software program that she was working on is for a new tracking ability, right?”

“How did you know that? That’s classified. She’s not supposed to talk about her work.”

“She didn’t. I work for Safety Zone Security. I’m one of the guys that tested your last program, and it sucked.”

“What did you say your name was?”

“I didn’t. It’s Trevor Vaughn.”

He grew quiet. “Would you be willing to test it again?”

“I’ll test it again after you give her a week off to mourn for her friend.”



“I can’t do that. I don’t know if she has any vacation time left.”

“Call it bereavement, and youwillpay her. If you don’t, your program will not pass our test, which means you won’t have our endorsement.”

“And if I give her the time off, with pay, you’ll see that it passes.”

“I’ll give it a fair try as I do with everything that we test.”

“Fine, she can have a week, paid.”

“And another week to get the program finished. She needs a week of relaxing, not stressing over her job.”