Page 74 of Kristin

“Why? Has it convinced you?”

“No, I didn’t say that.”

“What has her blood done to you?”

“Made me wonder, that’s for sure. After I took it, I felt more alive than I had in years, but that only lasted a couple of days. Now I’m feeling weaker, I guess more like my normal self.”

“Or you could be in the first stages of failing, Hugh. It would be smart to make your decision.”

“You say that like I’m just signing up for a club, not changing my entire existence.”

“We are a very elite club, Hugh. The cream of the crop, especially Kristin and I, and you saw just how special she is.”

“Are you special like her?”

“Do you mean can I compel the world around me to stop moving? Sadly, not. I can compel someone that I am close to, or have shared blood with, but I can’t control an entire room full of people.”

“What can you do then?”

I sighed wearily, “Nothing. Well, nothing really special, or if I can, we haven’t figured it out yet.”

“Why can she if you can’t? I thought you were twins.”

“To be honest, we aren’t sure. There are so few of us that we don’t know why some can and some can’t.”

“So we don’t know if I’ll be able to do anything.”

“What we do know is that you will be able to lend your strength to her. That is what will be important.”

“And how would I do that?”

“My god, you ask a lot of questions.”

“Hey, you called me. Is she there by the way? Did she ask you to call me?”

“No, she’s not, and no, she didn’t. She doesn’t know that I am speaking with you.”

“Alright, so tell me how I would make her stronger.”

“By mating with her.”

“Like marrying her, right?”

“If you want to put it that way, yes, kind of.”

“What if I don’t want to mate with her?”

“Why would you not? You happen to enjoy having sex with her, it’s not that different. You have sex, you exchange blood, you go about your days and you help her when she needs it.”

“Yeah, but what would my days be like? I mean, I would have to leave my job, so what would I do?”

“That I don’t know, besides learn our ways and help her when she needs it.”

“Could I keep my job?”

“Could you only work at night?”

“Um, no.” I could practically see the frown on his handsome face, “I guess I couldn’t then.”