Page 61 of Whiskey Splash

I poke through the stacks of romance novels that line my windowsill, leafing through covers of regency seductresses in their off-shoulder gowns. I know I told Arie that I should lay off on the romantic comedies, but who am I kidding? You can’t change a girl’s nature. They say the best way to get over a guy is to find another one, right? So I’ll do exactly that, except in my case, I’ll find one in a book.A safe, easy book, full of fantasy and fun and none of the real-life drama.

There’s a light knock on my door and I sneak an arm out from my cocoon and wave Naomi in. “No need to be so polite,” I yell back to her. “Arie’s already suggested I tell you the intimate details of Desmond’s cock, but I think we should find the naughty parts of these books and read them out loud in obnoxious pirate accents and laugh till we piss our pants.” I roll over with a generous stack in my hands.

“Both sound fun, but—” she says, exceptsheis definitely ahe!

That’s notNaomi’s voice.

“The first one, I could probably do by looking down my own pants, however—”

I nearly fall out of the bed.

“I would be interested to hear how you’d describe it.”

Definitely Desmond’s voice.

Definitely Desmond!

I flop over—or more precisely, roll like a beached whale clutching her personal trove of steamy erotica, to see Desmond Pike standing in my bedroom!

I must be hallucinating.

“What the fuck!?” I swear. “You are not—! How the hell—? Who let you in? How do you even know where I live?”

Desmond leans against the doorframe smiling, his hair swept back and gorgeous, looking like he fell gracefully out of the pages of GQ.

“Remember that meddling twin sister of yours?” he says casually, and I look for the spoon I chucked at her; it seems like an apt murder weapon.

“Arie!” I yell. “I am going to kill you!”

“You’re welcome!” Arie’s voice sing-songs from the other room and Desmond laughs.

“You didn’t have the decency to warn me?” I call out to her, wondering if I can hide in these blankets and pretend he isn’t in the room. Arie laughs wildly, like that would have been the worst idea in the world and this little scheme is working perfectly.

I look at Desmond, horrified. I haven’t showered. I haven’t looked in a mirror in two days and I probably resemble—and smell—like a homeless person. Yup, this is my life.

“So,” Desmond says, walking toward me. “I can’t tell if you’re feeling better—talking about my cock and all—” I slap my hands over my face and blush profusely. “Or, if you’re ready for an insane asylum.” He nudges me in the comforter, swaddled like a baby. “It seems you’ve created your own straight jacket and padded room all in one.”

“Clearly, I’m mentally ill!” I toss at him, horrified. “Arie didn’t warn you? Well now you know. The secret’s out of the bag. I’m completely bat-shit crazy!”

He smiles like that’s completely endearing and takes a seat on the edge of my bed near my feet, pulling something out of a grocery bag that he’s been carrying.

“I was told to come bearing ice cream,” Desmond says, holding up a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and placing it next to me. I do my best not to squirm, trying to keep my cool, even though Desmond Pike is in my room and sitting on my bed!

Holy shit.

What the fuck is happening?

“You realize it is completely inappropriate to sit on a girl’s bed without her permission!” I say, my nerves getting the best of me and my mouth deciding to go wild without consulting my brain first. “Much less offer her ice cream. What am I supposed to think you’re doing?”

Oh. My. God! Brain, where the hell are you!

Desmond smiles and leans forward, his torso leaning against my legs in the process. He smells like sunshine and the beach, and the way the light catches his hair is perfectly dreamy. Some people look amazing from every angle.

“Well…” he says, quirking a smile. “I’m pretty sure nothing’s going to happen when you’re wearing five-hundred blankets and haven’t brushed your teeth in at least twenty-four hours.”

“Jesus fuck!” I jam my face into the pillow.

This is so embarrassing. I’m a hideous toad, complete with bad breath and slimy skin. But through my pillow I hear Desmond laughing.