Page 17 of High-Rise Heat

“You like him?” he says finally, swallowing uncomfortably before he clips out his friend’s name. “Isaac.” His hands adjust on my hips as if he’s pulling his wet palms from the hot leather of a car seat that’s been broiling in the sun. “You—you like him, yes?” he repeats, but the words are almost breathless, having lost his earlier casualness.

I smile, appreciating the new weight in his tone. “If you’re asking if I think Isaac is sexy,” I say frankly, “then the answer is yes.”

Dom tenses and I tilt my head as if to say:You asked.

I palm his neck and keep going. “If you’re asking if I’ve been having fun drinking whiskey and hanging out by the pool and dancing with Isaac … the answer isyes. If you’re asking if I’m intrigued by his whole brutish bad-boy vibe—yes, to that one too.”

Dom’s jaw clenches tighter with every word I say.

“Everythingyou’re afraid I’m going to like about Isaac,” I continue, twirling my finger into the locks along the back of his skull, “I do likeabout Isaac.”

Dom’s hands squirm against my back, falling to my hips, ready to let me go. But I wrap my arms tighter around his neck and don’t let him. His eyes shoot over my shoulder, because it’s the only thing he can do to get away from me.

“You asked, Dom.” I nudge him so he’ll look at me. “Only, I don’t think that’s what you really wanted to ask. Is it?”

There’s a pinch in his brow as his gaze comes back to me. He’s seen exactly where this conversation is going and he doesn’t want more.

“Is it?” I push, holding him hard against me. “What you really want to ask is if I’m attracted to Isaac, isn’t it?”


“Isn’t it?”

His gaze cuts over my shoulder again, his jaw tightening.

“Actually, that’s not what you really want to ask either, huh?” I press. “No, what you really want to ask is if I want tofuck him?”

“Jeez, Ilsa!” Dom’s eyes go wild, looking around quickly to see if anyone is listening to us, but I slide my hand over his cheek and turn his gaze back to me.

“We’ve played this game for a long time, Dom,” I say, when his eyes finally meet mine. “Why don’t we actually talk about it?” His cheek is hot against my hand, but I won’t let him look away. “In truth, I think you’re afraid Isaac is everything you’re not. I think you’re afraid I’m falling into his arms because he’s aggressive, and sexy, and charming. And you know what—you’re right. Isaacisall of those things and—yes!—Iamattracted to him for it.”

Dom’s face goes white. He doesn’t want to hear this. Everything he’s afraid of, I’m saying out loud.

“But Dom,” I say sharply, and he inhales. I move my hand down his chin to adjust the bowtie at his throat. “Here’s where you’re waaaaay off the mark. I couldn’t wait for this weekend.Ourlast business trip together. And, I couldn’t wait because I was finally spending this weekend withyou. Usin the same suite. Only, I didn’t know Isaac would be here.” I move my fingers back up to cup his jaw and the muscles tighten where he’s gritting his teeth and saying nothing. “I wanted to spend this weekend with you. Only, you’ve been holing yourself up in your room doing God-knows-what, and Isaac’s the only one around for me to hang out with.”

“I had work,” he clips out, and I run my thumb over the bottom corner of his mouth.

“Great,” I say, shaking my head. “Do your work. Do your job if that’s what’s important.”

He lowers his eyes.

“Just don’t get mad when you find me sitting in the pool half-drunk with the guy you’re scared shitless I’m going to choose over you.”

His eyes snap up, and I tilt my head to the side in defiance.

“Get over yourself, Dom. You’re the one who’s been blowing me off. So, don’t pull me out onto this dance floor and ask me if I want to sleep with your friend if you don’t want to hear the answer – because the answer isyes. Yes, I one-hundred-percent want to fuck Isaac. And yes, I absolutely want to do it because he’s sexy, and aggressive, and takes what he wants.”

Dom pulls his face away from my hand, but I grab his chin and turn him back to me.

“But don’t for asecondthink I want Isaac because he’s better than you,” I say boldly. “When I fantasize about fucking Isaac, it’s completely different than when I fantasize about fucking you. Because you’re different people!Youexcite different things in me. But don’t you dare think I’d fuck Isaac because he’s sexier than you, or more interesting than you, or has something going on that you don’t. The only reason I’d fuck him is becauseyoulet me.”

Dom stares at me, shocked. We’ve stopped dancing and are standing in the middle of the dance floor, not moving. I can’t read his expression, other than he’s looking at me like he can’t believe a single thing I’ve just said. It felt amazing to say it, but now I’m suddenly cold. And he isn’t moving. I can’t tell if he’s pissed that I just admitted I want to screw Isaac, or if he’s registered what Iactuallysaid.

“Say something.” I say, laid bare, but he doesn’t move. I loosen my grip on his shoulders, but he’s like a statue with his hands fisted at my hips. I’ve just admitted that I want him, that Ifantasizeabout him, and the only thing I know for sure right now is that he’s pissed. A surge of red creeps up his neck and obviously I shouldn’t have said any of it.

Tears burn behind my eyes and I bite my cheek to keep them from falling.

Fuck him.